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Research On The Aesthetic Culture Of Costumes In The Han Dynasty

Posted on:2020-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y HanFull Text:PDF
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The aesthetic culture of dress of Han Dynasty is a unique aesthetic culture of dress formed on the basis of inheriting the aesthetic culture of dress of pre-Qin Dynasty and combining the unique background of the times of Han Dynasty.It has deeply influenced the development of Chinese dress aesthetic culture and foreign dress aesthetic culture in Southern and Northern Dynasties,and it still has an important influence up to now.However,there are still many weaknesses in the academic research on this issue.In this paper,from the perspective of aesthetic culture,the clothing of Han Dynasty is examined in the specific aesthetic culture ecology,and the life form,artistic form,theoretical form and aesthetic implication of the aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty are analyzed,to reveal the general characteristics of the development of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty,and to point out that the historical status,far-reaching influence and practical significance of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this paper mainly includes six chapters of the main content.The introduction mainly discusses the research significance of this paper,reviews the present research situation of the Han Dynasty dress aesthetic culture,defines the main concepts,and explains the research ideas and methods of this paper.The first chapter: Han Dynasty dress aesthetic culture ecology.This chapter puts the dress aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty into a specific historical environment,mainly from the mode of production,the way of life,the way of belief,and the mode of thinking to analyze the aesthetic and cultural ecology of the dress of Han Dynasty.Different from other dynasties,the aesthetic and cultural characteristics are expounded.Try to grasp the relationship between the dress aesthetic culture and the ecological environment in Han Dynasty,and lay the foundation for the analysis of the dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty.The second chapter: the life form of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty.This chapter from the aesthetic point of view of the official dress,military uniform,businessman dress,civilian clothing life form analysis.The life form of Han Dynasty dress takes "beautiful" as the main aesthetic style.At the same time,it also shows the simple and natural aesthetic characteristics,and pays attention to the practicality and comfort of clothing.The aesthetic life form of the official dress is vigorous and magnificent,and gradually developed towards the beautiful and handsome direction in the late Eastern Han Dynasty,which points to the Southern and Northern Dynasties times.The aesthetic life form of the military uniform is grand and magnificent.The aesthetic life form of businessman dress is extravagant and ornate.The aesthetic life form of civilian clothing is plain and natural.The third chapter: the art form of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty.This chapter mainly discusses the Han Dynasty clothing with flocket,high cap and wide belt,numerous rich gorgeous and simple sincere aesthetic characteristics of sound,light flying,vigorous and firm three artistic forms.The art form of dress here refers to the artistic style of dress.This article starts with the art types of full dress,dance dress,headgears and bun of Han Dynasty,analysis of the Han Dynasty clothing art form,with flocket,high cap and wide belt,numerous rich gorgeous and simple sincere aesthetic characteristics of sound,light flying,vigorous and firm,showing the unique magnificent beauty of Han Dynasty clothing.The fourth chapter: the theory form of Han Dynasty clothing aesthetic culture.This chapter mainly analyzes the clothing aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty from the perspective of theoretical form.The theoretical form of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty includes the view of literary quality,the view of nature,the view of form and god,and the view of vaporization.The literary view of clothing in Han Dynasty was the result of the fusion of Confucianism and Taoism.Both Confucianism and Taoism emphasized that clothing should be "content" before "form",and affirmed the "content" of clothing on the basis of " form" of clothing.The difference is that Confucianism pays attention to communication.The "form" of dress embodies man's social status and good moral character,while Taoism pays more attention to the suitability of dress and talks about the "content" of dress from the broad social life,which is the new development of the aesthetic thought of dress.The natural view of Han Dynasty's clothing emphasizes that the dress worn on the human body should be integrated into the natural society.The dress is the intermediary connecting heaven and man,and the ultimate pursuit is the aesthetic realm of the unity of nature and man.The concept of form and god of Han Dynasty clothing is more from the Taoism,through the dress itself to convey the inherent charm of human beings,the Han Dynasty dress with large sleeves,high cap and wide belt is the perfect display of this charm.The Gasification View of dress in Han Dynasty pays attention to the charm of dress,especially it is the pattern and color of the dress.The fifth chapter: the general characteristics of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty.This chapter mainly discusses the general characteristics of dress aesthetic culture in different periods of Han Dynasty.According to the changes of dress aesthetic culture in Han Dynasty,it is divided into two stages: the early stage of the Western Han Dynasty and the middle and late stages of the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.The characteristics of the aesthetic culture of the dress of the early Western Han Dynasty are simple and vigorous.In the middle and late Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty,the aesthetic culture of dress is characterized by grandeur and respect for reality.The sixth chapter: the status,influence and practical significance of the Han Dynasty dress aesthetic culture.This chapter discusses the historical status of the Han Dynasty dress aesthetic culture,the profound influence on the contemporary Korean Peninsula,Japan,Rome and other countries dress aesthetic culture,and the important practical significance of the Han Dynasty dress aesthetic culture.The dress aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty has the historical status of connecting the past and the future,on the one Hand,it inherits the aesthetic culture of the pre-Qin Dynasty dress,which shows the compatibility and continuity of the dress aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty;on the other Hand,it develops the aesthetic culture of pre-Qin dress,which reflects the innovation and uniqueness of the dress aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty.Han Dynasty clothing aesthetic culture not only affected the Chinese clothing aesthetic culture throughout the ages,it also influences the dress aesthetic culture of Korea Peninsula,Japan,Rome and so on.First of all,the dress aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty can provide more aesthetic knowledge about the life form,art form and theoretical form of the dress of Han Dynasty,improve people's aesthetic cognition level,and promote the development of the dress aesthetic culture of our country.Secondly,the dress aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty is of great significance to excavate the ancient humanistic spirit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.Finally,the dress aesthetic culture of Han Dynasty is the correct way for us to treat the foreign nationalities.The conclusion part is a systematic summary of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty, Costumes, Aesthetic culture
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