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Channelway DDR Programe Business Plan

Posted on:2017-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330596462186Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
2011,the market size of China's servo products has reached 20 billion yuan,an annual growth rate of about 25%.The next 3-5 years,the servo motor market is still able to maintain a growth rate of two digit.Analysis shows that the servo motor manufacturers have been in the combination of direct drive motor into its products,to meet the existing market demand,and the future direction of development,in order to ensure the vitality of enterprises in the industry.So far,the torque motor is mainly serving machine tools,semiconductor equipment,electronic assembly and tablet products,and some other high-end mechanical fields with high precision.Direct drive motor development in the embryonic stage,in Europe and the United States has been widely used in China will certainly become the future trend of the motor industry.[1]The application of the relative theories of the business plan,the second chapter simply introduces the project,the project team,the project itself is through technical services in the form of promotion of direct drive motor,and found three market segments to do,through t he application of market competition,to bring customers,we the value of description,probably introduced the project itself;the third chapter through the analysis of PEST theory in the project environment,through the Potter five forces model to analyze project industry is worth to enter,and through the SWOT analysis,competitive analysis,obtained the project strategy;the fourth chapter through the project competition that the project description,competitive strategy the fifth chapter is described;the value chain of the company and the company's market strategy,with market strategy,4P strategy;the sixth chapter,from the financial aspect describes this The project is currently needed to fund income statement,balance sheet and cash flow statement as well as profit and loss balance point and future risk plans to study the feasibility of the project.The whole paper from the choice of direct drive motor this market segments.Then according to the method of judging the competition advantage and value chain,analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing direct drive motor market the brand,finally found its own strategy,according to the exposure to the market segments of the industry,to develop a project market planning of the next three years.Business is expected to invest 5 million yuan of venture capital,the payback period is expected to be 36 months,3 years in the hope of reaching a profit of 30 million yuan,is a high return of the entrepreneurial project [2].
Keywords/Search Tags:direct drive motor, market, business plan
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