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The Strategic Research Of Suzhou TG Electronics

Posted on:2015-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330491455019Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Suzhou TG Electronics Co.,Ltd.was established in 2010,main products used in electronic energy,OA,digital camera motors,transformers and other various industries.As China's economy continues to develop and market segmentation increase rapidly,with increasingly fierce competition between the industries,especially in the labor-intensive enterprises,the performance of this phenomenon is more prominent.Due to Labor-intensive enterprises with low technical content,it is easier to enter the industry.The same industry is likely to grow up many enterprises,competition is more incentive.With the global economic crisis,the majority of customers every season to take to reduce procurement costs to reduce business costs,and labor-intensive enterprises,even worse,are largely bite the bullet and fight by price.For small and medium enterprises,it is only through single multi-volume orders to maintain their operations,so companies are forced to pass price war to seize the market.Suzhou TG Electronic belongs to above mentioned companies,with internal and external environmental competition and challenges,how to deal with the challenges of intense competition within the industry and external environmental changes brought about by the enterprise,and how to develop better marketing strategies for their own development,in order to win their place in the fierce market competition,thereby creating a more profits and value,which is the top priority of the enterprise.This article will use the theory of marketing and strategic management through PEST and SWOT analysis,market segmentation and application of STP 4Ps,4Cs marketing theory,combined with the characteristics of the industry and the environment through the analysis of various types of enterprises in the industry,the diagnosis problems faced by enterprises,the development of the overall strategic goals of the enterprise choose the path proposed for the enterprise development of low-cost marketing strategy and marketing mix strategies,and finally,the implementation of the security plan in detail the corporate marketing strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suzhou TG, Marketing Strategy
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