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Suzhou Harmony Constellation City Complex Project Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2015-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452968231Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the current rapid industrial development in our country, the urbanizationprocess to speed up, the urban population, the land under the background of anincreasingly tense, traditional isolated and narrow single urban planning leads topeople travel inconvenience and traffic congestion. Also in the process of new towndevelopment and innovation of the old town, under the pressure of the market and thedevelopment main body double, with what kind of function construction to improvethe image of the changed areas become real estate enterprises are thinking about animportant issue. As a new carrier for the development of modern city and optimizeresource allocation mode of city, city complex love to more and more social attentionand concern. In this paper, on the basis of the previous scholars research results, theurban context and related marketing concepts are systematically described, furtherclarifying the concept, properties, characteristics of the urban context and the4ps,4cs,4rs marketing theory, marketing for Suzhou harmony constellation project environment,strategy and marketing strategy provides a strong theoretical support. This researchmainly draw the following conclusion:(1) the landmark of the city synthesis product positioning should have advancedconsciousness of the project. Since access to land, to the feasible planning, design andconstruction, for the assurance of product, customer requirements for the futuredevelopment has a certain predictability, making products from design to finish afterthree to four years of construction cycle on the market, able to adapt to the marketenvironment, meet the needs of customers continuous development and change.(2) city landmark complex pricing should be on the premise of reasonable premium in full. Itself can be defined Landmark projects will have a certain exclusiveand exclusive, bring customer homage sense and glory Feeling, in addition to the usefunction of the product itself can provide, in the aspect of extension products can havea lot of ascension, for Enterprise to bring more profits.(3) the landmark of the city synthesis on marketing to pay attention to thesegmentation of the target customer, precision marketing.Real estate marketing planning theory and method, this paper, from the relevanttheoretical research of urban context, on the basis of reference urban complexdevelopment situation at home and abroad, combined with Suzhou harmony urbancomplex constellation project to investigate the operation procedure and contentframework of this project planning, formulate specific implementation plan, reasonableuse of the evaluation method of complex operation mode of Suzhou harmonyconstellation city development present situation, level to make objective evaluation,provide a beneficial reference for the enterprise marketing decisions. Suzhou harmonyalthough constellation project is just a case, but it is a microcosm of urban complexproject construction in China, many of our country the construction of the urbancontext also has certain reference significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suzhou harmony constellation, Marketing, Market positioning, targetcustomers
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