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Research On Data News Interaction Setting

Posted on:2020-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330575992665Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Data journalism is the product of the collision between journalism and big data,and interactivity is one of its significant advantages.Different from static and dynamic data news,interactive data news is based on the database that allows the audience to query and add data.With computer algorithms and artificial intelligence as the technical support,the audience can click and move on the media.Actions such as staying,pressing,etc.,realize the issuance of interactive instructions,correlate data and data in the disseminated information,and data with other media,and finally achieve multi-dimensional visualization to achieve realtime update.The basic characteristics of interactive data journalism are visualization,interactivity,functionality,and sociality.The basis for interactive data news interaction setting should be based on whether the audience is given the right to choose information independently,whether it helps the audience to solve the actual problem,whether to establish an efficient feedback channel between the transmission,and whether to guide the audience to share.Aspects.This article selects two well-known domestic and international data news media-the British Guardian and as a comparison.In 2009,the Guardian launched the “Data Blog” section on its website,which is one of the earliest media involved in data news around the launched its own data and news column “Digital” in 2012,and established a specialized data news team,Caixin Data Visualization Lab,which is one of the early media involved in data news in China.Therefore,the comparison between Guardian and has certain representativeness.In this paper,according to the interactive setting basis of data news,whether to give the audience the right to choose information independently,whether to help the audience solve the actual problem,whether to establish efficient feedback between the transmission,and whether to guide the audience to share the comparison,test the two The maturity of the media in interactive settings.Through comparison,it can be found that's data news has weak integration and retrieval of information,small data space,insufficient ability to solve the actual problem of the audience,and the feedback of the feedback to the audience is not timely.There are five questions about the low level of has insufficient reasons for data news interaction settings.The amount of content information is small,the scope of the subject matter is limited,and the third-party data information is relied on.The audience participation channel is limited,the interaction performance setting is relatively simple,the light interaction is heavy and the data is heavy;the interactive technology is backward.The lack of two-way interaction design is insufficient for the audience to read.As a pioneer in the development of domestic data and news, has a lack of representativeness in the interactive setting and its causes.Therefore,solving these problems can be useful for the future development of data news interaction in China.Expand the news content,return to the essence of the news,dig deeper into the value of data,“objective + subjective”,avoid data first;encourage audience participation,set up various interactive forms,encourage audiences to voice,develop crowdsourcing news,attract audience participation,launch news game applications,Effectively disseminate information;enhance interactive technology,pay attention to the regularization and convenience of interaction settings,optimize audience experience,innovative data interaction processing and presentation,and improve the quality of interaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:data news, data visualization, interactive settings
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