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Research On The Design And Planning Of Warehouse-AGV's Commercial Platform

Posted on:2019-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330566969626Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the coming of the industrial 4.0,traditional warehousing is headed for intelligent warehouse management,and the application of AGV cars is an important node of intelligent storage implementation.They can effectively help warehouse reduce manpower cost,reduce the management cost and improve the efficiency of management,the application of industrial robots is also widely concerned in the country and manufacturing industry.With the influx of a large number of new application markets,new requirements have been brought about for the development and application of the AGV commercial market,which has provided new research directions for the development and practice in this field.There is still a lot of space for development in the existing AGV commercial market,but the industry is focusing more on technical research,there is very little application development in the business world,all of the above questions lead to the lack of service system and low generality,manufacturers also do not have a comprehensive system solution.The research of this topic has faced the task demand of new requirements for developing commercial warehousing AGV products with multiple scenarios,and has put forward a storage product AGV product assembly development platform-product platform that meets the needs of commercialization.Through this product platform,the requirements of different storage scenarios are used as design standards.According to this standard,hardware content design and hardware interface design for product platforms including basic components and non-standard components are performed for AGV,and applicable to different storage scenarios through product platform integration structure.Product solutions to meet the needs of multiple scenarios,to achieve the commercial value of storage AGV products.The design and development standards and design and development content provided by this product platform are managed in the form of an online platform,and are interfaced with users to realize the commercialization of multi-scene applications.The dissertation is developed from three levels: Chapter 3 firstly analyzes the functional requirements,adaptability requirements and commercial opportunities of AGV products for multi-storage storage under new requirements,and proposes the development path and multi-scenarios for multi-storage warehouse AGV commercial value.Warehousing AGV product platform development ideas,as well as the evaluation basis and evaluation methods for the resolution of production platform capabilities.The fourth chapter focuses on the design and research of warehouse AGV product platform,including the function of product platform,hardware content structure,hardware technology interface,as well as the function integration standard of product platform,product platform style and platform workflow control.In Chapter5,based on the above theoretical research,the requirements of a certain 3C processing plant in Shanghai for the intelligent operation of the workshop processing warehouse are required.Through this product platform,a complete solution for the commercial application of warehouse AGV is proposed and based on the processing warehouse.The functional requirements and related AGV design standard requirements,put forward the specific product hardware parameter settings,assembly methods and digital modeling program.Thesis innovation point: The idea of commercial product development led by scene function demand was put forward,and a feasible research path was put forward for the commercial development of storage AGV,and the AGV product assembly development platform-product platform that met the commercialization demand wasproposed.Modular design method is used to design and combine product scenarios under different functional scene requirements,which provides a feasible operation concept for implementing multi-scene applications for warehouse AGV.
Keywords/Search Tags:smart warehouse, AGV products, commercial development, platform, industrial design
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