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Changes Of Values' Selection In Chinese Reversal News Report In The Recent 20 Years

Posted on:2019-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q M ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330548952183Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the double value standards included fact and the audience's attention,the relationship between “asking for accuracy” and “asking for timeliness” has always been difficult to balance in the news report.The mass media hopes to spread information faster to attract the audience,but inaccurate and unverifiable news information can cause false news.In particular,the arrival of the media era,the channel of information transmission is more plural and faster,users have higher requirements for the speed and quality of access to information.The contradiction between “asking for accuracy” and “asking for timeliness ” is magnified.With the handling of this relationship,a news phenomenon appeared in the news report——reversal of news.From the “Grandson's Love " in the last century to the " Nanjing Peng Yu " event and the “Harbin waving Without water” at the beginning of this century,and in recent years the “Yulin maternal falling accident"," Chinese visitors walked along the Japanese toilet cover",reversal of news are continuing without end.With the progress of Internet technology,the frequency of the reversal of the news is getting higher and higher,and the influence is more and more big.On the one hand,the news parties in the reverse news often fall into the vortex of public opinion.On the other hand,frequent reversal of news not only affects the audio-visual rights of the public,but also affects the public's correct judgement of news events,so that news can not play the role of social monitoring and supervision.This study collected more than 50 copies of reversal news case for nearly 20 years,and by specific media since the era of Internet era and user generated content lists 11 typical case analysis in the flow of information is slow,fewer channels of traditional media era,the rise of the portal of the popular,different media face the news value changes and reporting strategy,communication mode,communication effect.At the same time,investigation of user feedback on news media value change,to understand news users in the media environment,the news demand is very high,the pursuit of accurate and comprehensive news users still accounted for the major,and the rejection of marketing information,but the media literacy is uneven,the overall ability to distinguish the news is not well.Although the mainstream media in credibility,public opinion still dominate,but since the power of the media can not be ignored,the use of media users have gradually tooffset from the media;in addition,the survey also found that the lack of news dissemination after inversion caused many users of the event the truth is still wrong.Based on the experience of media content production and the two sides of news users' feedback,this study puts forward some operable suggestions of media value choice,hoping to reduce the frequency of news reversal.In the news presentation,the mainstream traditional media should exert the comprehensiveness of the media technology,and various reporting methods can meet the different needs of news users in "seeking the right" and "seeking the new".And different media should clarify the communication objectives and divide the reports.After the news is reversed,we should dispel the misreading of users' news and not fail the news.In the report,no matter how the media distinguishes news types from reporting strategies,the ultimate goal should be public interest and eliminate inducible content.In the news communication environment protection,the mainstream media should enhance their own ability of public opinion in order to make up for some news reports lagging behind the media.It also needs to guide the public to cultivate civic awareness and encourage the public to participate in social supervision through news media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reversal News, Values' Selection, Authenticity, Timeliness, Reporting Strategy
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