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Pulitzer Features Studies From The Perspective Of Narrative

Posted on:2019-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330548452185Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today,as the media transformation develops in depth,and the media competition increasingly fierce.How to realize the change of its own narrative discourse,narrative style and narrative effect has become a hot topic for academic and industry to discuss.As a new subject which is intersected by narratology and journalism,news narration provides a brand new research perspective for exploring the special narrative law of the news media.At present,the study of news narratology mainly focuses on the principles of news narration,narrative voice,narrative structure and narrative tactics,but does not involve the differences and tendencies of news media.However,for the same news event,the news narrative texts constructed by different news media have significant differences.The differences are determined by the news media's narrative standpoint,narrative motivation and ideology.As the "foothold" of observation and narration,the narrative perspective shows up more as a frame and mode of interpretation of facts,which is the refraction of the narrative text by ideology.In this paper,Pulitzer Feature Paper,a model of narratology,is selected as a sample.Based on the narrative perspective and the theoretical branch of news narratology,this paper analyzes the main points of Pulitzer feature narrative,narrative motivation,narrative position,Focusing on blind spots and other areas of analysis,attempting to restore the Pulitzer Feature reflects the ideology of the American press,and the theory of news narratology to make some research framework.The study found that as it comes to the narrative subject,Pulitzer special feature often improve the depth and readability of the text through the depth interview with a number of news parties,witnesses and related personnel on-site,from a large number of sources for common narrative,which can also adhere to the principle of truth and objectivity.However,the transformation and application of different narrative subjects are all indirect manifestations of their motives,positions and ideologies.The "appearance" or "non-appearance" of the subject of the narrative is the author's choice based on his own reporting position,so as to complete the construction of the news text.In narrative motivation,protecting the public interest and serving the public are always the fundamental motivation of the Pulitzer Prize.As a typical Pulitzer manuscript protagonist,reflects the publicity of motivation for narrative,with a strong sense of common people andthe public interest.From the presentation of the narrative texts,we can found that the author paid great attention to humane care and compassion,he also keeps cautious and restrain when describes the details of the unfortunate people.From a narrative point of view,Pay attention to journalism professionalism,focusing on domestic coverage and emphasizing literary nature are the three most important narrative positions of Pulitzer feature articles,which together determine the value recognition and emotional orientation of news narration.From the point of view of the narrative,Pulitzer features often use the first-person limited perspectives to start the narrative so that the reader can enter the inner world of characters.However,this is a rather special situation.Pulitzer specials tend to use a variety of perspectives to make narratives.Therefore,readability and aesthetic quality are greatly improved.However,the narrative perspective is not only related to aesthetic effects and artistic expression of news texts.It's ultimate goal is to construct a meaningful and tendentious media reality.This study argues that on the one hand Pulitzer's narrative texts are closely related to their ideology.Whether in the choice of narrative subjects,the narrative point of view,or in the details and background of depicting each person and scene,all Tradeoffs and strategies are the embodiment of the author's ideology.On the other hand,the literary and aesthetic features Pulitzer features in his narratives deserve our reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pulitzer Feature Articles, Journalism Narrative, Perspective of narrative
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