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Snapchat: "Camera-based" Social Model And Its Interaction Advertising Research

Posted on:2019-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Millennium" and "Z Generation" are called "Digital Aboriginal People".Their growth is accompanied by the development of social media.Therefore,they have higher requirements and expectations for social media.Under such circumstances,how to innovate the social model and create a new social platform to meet the needs of these people is a question worthy of exploration.On June 7,2017,the 2017 Brand Z Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands was announced,of which Snapchat Technology ranked 93 rd in the US with US$12.26 billion.After being Facebook and Tencent,it ranked third on the list of social media.The concept of“burning afterwards” quickly swept the United States,setting off a new social media revolution.It has become one of the most popular social media for the American Millennials and Z Generation.This article mainly uses the method of case study and mainly answers the question: How did Snapchat break through the monopoly of social giants and became the social media favored by younger generations? Why does it innovate in a social way and put forward the concept of "After Reading and Burning" ? Based on this model,what kind of content space does Snapchat construct? How is the innovative advertising operation model to motivate users?For this reason,this paper researches and analyzes Snapchat through three perspectives:approach innovation,content construction and operation model.In terms of style,Snapchat uses the "camera-based" social model and the "read and burn" social concept to release user pressure and create a new type of social relationship based on "strong relationship + weak connection." In terms of content,Snapchat provides a platform for storytelling for users and professional media through the construction of personal,community,and mass trinity story content spaces.From the operating model point of view,Snapchat introduced an interactive advertising strategy based on the SOLOMO model to mobilize the enthusiasm of users to participate in advertising.Through the above analysis and discussion,this article attempts to use this to conduct comparative research with the same type of domestic social media,thus providing some reference and suggestions for the construction and operation of such social media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Snapchat, "Camera-based" Social Model, Burn After Reading, Interactive advertising
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