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The Research On The Non-continuous Text Reading In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611963589Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As we all know,reading teaching has always been the top priority of Chinese teaching.At the same time,reading teaching is also the difficulty of Chinese teaching.In today's reading teaching,continuous texts have always dominated in terms of length and examination.With the rapid development of the times,non-continuous texts have become increasingly important in daily life,coupled with the impact of PISA2009 Shanghai candidates' results and the Ministry of Education for the first time included the requirements for reading non-continuous texts into the new Chinese language curriculum standard in 2011.This text quickly caught people's attention.In order to improve the students' comprehensive ability and logical ability,the provinces in China have also gradually specified the examination of non-continuous texts in the Chinese college entrance examination questions.However,due to the short research time and single subject of research on non-continuous texts in China,coupled with the lack of non-continuous texts available in textbooks,there are not many relevant teaching cases,and it is extremely difficult for front-line teachers to teach.Therefore,this article hopes to understand the current reading and teaching status of non-continuous Chinese texts in junior middle school through questionnaire surveys of students and interviews with front-line Chinese teachers,and proposes practical teaching strategies in a targeted manner,and then through teaching examples and after-school analysis Confirm the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.Through the combination of theory and practice,it is expected to provide useful reference for the study of junior middle school Chinese non-continuous text reading.The thesis is divided into seven parts.The first is the "Introduction".In this section,the basis for selecting a topic,a literature review,and the content,methods,and meaning of the research are stated based on the collected research literature at home and abroad.In order to clarify the direction and purpose of this research,it is to provide effective teaching strategies for front-line teachers in junior middle school,and to do the preliminary work for this research.The first chapter is the "Teaching value of non-continuous text".This chapter uses the collected literature and the actual situation of classroom teaching to clarify the definition of the concepts of "non-continuous texts" and its rich teaching value to clarify the important position of non-continuous text in reading teaching.The second chapter is "Investigation on the current situation of non-continuous text reading teaching in junior middle school".This part will use questionnaire surveys of students to understand the current reading status of non-continuous texts in junior middle school students,and sort out the survey results;Interviews to further understand the current status of discontinuity in this article for junior middle school front-line language teachers,and to collate the results of comprehensive interviews.This chapter aims to more accurately understand the current status of non-continuous text reading and teaching in junior middle school.The third chapter is "Investigation and analysis of the present situation of non-continuous text reading teaching in junior middle school".After sorting out and analyzing the survey results,it analyzes that there are many problems in students' learning;and teachers also have a lot of confusion in teaching.This chapter aims to clarify the practical problems in the teaching of non-continuous texts in the current junior middle school language based on the phenomena.The fourth chapter is "Suggestion of non-continuous text reading teaching in junior middle school",this part will aim at the problems analyzed in the previous chapter,and combine the relevant literature materials,put forward effective and reasonable teaching countermeasures: constantly learning,improving their own level;changing ideas,not only teaching because of examination;developing and applying,teaching materials living resources;special teaching,training reading methods.This chapter aims to solve the teaching problem of Chinese non-continuous text in junior middle school,improve the effect of classroom teaching and students' comprehensive ability of using Chinese.The fifth chapter is "Case analysis of non-continuous text teaching".This chapter first shows the case of non-continuous text teaching in the text of "Yi Lu Li Hua".In this teaching case,the teaching method of non-continuous text proposed in the previous chapter will be used;then the teaching process is analyzed,and the effectiveness of the teaching suggestions put forward by the author is proved by classroom presentation effect and student feedback evaluation.This chapter provides a reference teaching case for first-line teachers,which is clearer and clearer than the theory in the previous chapter.The last part is "Conclusion",which summarizes the findings of this study,that is,to provide reasonable and effective teaching strategies for front-line Chinese teachers in order to solve the problems in current junior middle school Chinese non-continuous text reading and teaching,in order to cultivate students' ability to apply what they have learned And improve students' logical thinking ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:the junior middle school language, the non-continuous text, reading research, instructional strategy
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