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Research On The Teaching Of Modern Poetry Reading In Junior High School

Posted on:2020-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Modern poetry is one of the important contents in junior high school Chinese teaching.It inherits the essence of ancient poetry,adds the characteristics of The Times and forms its own uniquestyle.In ancient times,chanting poetry is the main form,nowadays,the value of reading still should be recognized.The teaching of reading aloud plays an important role in the teaching of modern poetry in junior high school.It can not only cultivate students' language sense and promote their oral communication ability,but also deepen their understanding of the text,better perceive the aesthetic factors of poetry,train their thinking ability while improving their literary literacy,and shape the socialist core values.The practical application of reading aloud teaching in the class of modern poetry in junior high school is put forward as the key and difficult point of Chinese teaching.Based on the Chinese curriculum standards for full-time compulsory education and the selected articles of modern poetry in the old textbooks of the people's education edition(approved by the national textbook examination committee for primary and secondary schools)that have been comprehensively carried out in junior middle schools,this paper,on the basis of the existing research results,reintroduces the important significance of the teaching of modern poetry reading in junior middle schools,and puts forward corresponding solutions to the current situation and causes of problems in the actual teaching of modern poetry reading.In addition to the introduction,conclusion,reference and appendix,the main body is divided into three chapters.The introduction part makes a general discussion on the teaching of modern poetry reading in junior high school from the five aspects of research reason,research object,research status,research significance,research ideas and methods.The first chapter from two aspects.The necessity and feasibility of this article expounded the importance of reading teaching junior high school modern poetry.The necessity,mainly from the teaching material basis,the curriculum standard basis,the junior high school modern poetry teaching reads aloud the function to proceed to carry on the elaboration;Feasibility,mainly from the reading method and modern poetry teaching,and junior high school stage of modern poetry teaching,and junior high school stage students characteristics of three aspects of perfect fit to discuss.The second chapter mainly analyzes the problems and reasons in the teaching of modern poetry reading in junior high school.In this chapter,questionnaire and interview survey are combined to objectively understand the current teaching situation and acknowledge the achievements made.At the same time,deficiencies are pointed out and the causes of deficiencies are carefully analyzed to provide support for the improvement of the following strategies.The third chapter is the main part of the main body of the paper,focusing on the pre-class,in-class and after-class stages of modern poetry reading teaching in junior high school,respectively,and giving corresponding optimization strategies.Before the formal teaching of reading aloud in textbooks,it is considered that it is an important prerequisite to achieve good reading teaching to help students strengthen the mastery of basic knowledge of reading aloud.The teaching strategy of teachers' intentional training of students' putonghua ability and encouraging students to boldly read aloud before class also makes the reading teaching twice the result with half the effort.The class is the home of teachers and students.The combination of reading and teaching,the combination of multiple teaching modes,the combination of rich teaching forms and effective teaching evaluation will make the reading skillfully permeate into all aspects of poetry teaching,so that students can really benefit from the teaching of reading imperceptibly.After class,teachers should also carry out appropriate reading expansion,strengthen the guidance of teachers,students to strengthen learning,both in order to further consolidate and enhance the junior middle school students' ability to read modern poetry.In short,this paper explores and confirms the practical significance of the study on the teaching of modern poetry reading in junior high school from the perspective of curriculum standards,subject textbooks and existing research results of scholars.It goes deep into the teaching front line and proposes targeted measures for the improvement of the teaching of modern poetry reading in junior high school from multiple perspectives and in a deep level through the analysis of the teaching status quo,so as to provide assistance for the effective reading in the class of modern poetry in junior high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school, modern poetry, reading teaching
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