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Study On Pan Maoyuan's Thought Of Higher Education

Posted on:2019-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548465463Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mr.Pan Maoyuan,a famous scholar in our country,struggled for the cause of China's higher education and had a profound impact on our higher education.He lives in the forefront of higher education,called China's higher education,academic model.As a wise educator,he pioneered the development of disciplines of higher education with Chinese characteristics and established a new discipline of "creation in China" in higher education.He has been keeping pace with the times to design and lead the study of higher education in China Development,brave forward.It can be said that Mr.Pan's idea of higher education is a valuable asset in China's higher education.His theory of higher education is structurally sound and has a huge system covering almost all areas of higher education research.All in all,Mr.Pan's thinking on higher education and his outstanding leadership in higher education have made immeasurable contributions to the development of China's higher education.The new achievements of a scientific research are usually based on the previous research results,which reflect the inheritance and development of science and technology.All academic research in the field of science is based on the results of previous studies,All under the influence of existing achievements,higher education research is no exception.From the overall overview of Pan Maoyuan's thought of higher education,he tries to conduct a comprehensive,systematic and in-depth study Introduce Mr.Pan's thoughts on higher education and explore the theoretical and practical value of his ideas so that those engaged in education,especially those engaged in higher education theory,management and practical affairs,as well as all who care about higher education,will understand and study And the use of Mr.Pan's ideas of higher education,and can be enlightened,which is of great significance for the development of China's higher education research.This research is divided into seven parts.The first part is the introduction.The second part is the research design.The third part is the visual analysis of Mr.Pan's academic dissertation.The fourth part analyzes the reasons for the formation of Mr.Pan's higher education thoughts.The fifth part is about the content of Mr.Pan's higher education thoughts.The sixth part is about the value of Mr.Pan's thoughts on higher education.At the same time,as a pioneer in the academic field,Mr.Pan's academic spirit and academic character are also worth learning from later generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pan Maoyuan, Higher Education Research, Higher Education Discipline, Higher Education Thought
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