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Quality Management Of Collaborative Translation Of Applied Texts

Posted on:2018-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
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Since the beginning of 21st century,translation has undergone profound changes in China.Tight delivery time,variety in format and high technical dependence are characteristics of today's translation activities.Collaboration among translators,together with the introduction of computer-aided technology greatly entails project management in translation.The mode of school-enterprise joint cultivation allows students to have more opportunities to take part in the real projects from language services companies.It is not uncommon for masters of translation and interpreting?MTI?to set up a translation team to undertake translation projects independently.However,due to the lack of practical experience and understanding of collaborative translation and project knowledge among students,the translation quality needs to be given more attention by all the translation parties,and quality management is especially important.With the latest development and changes of modern language service industry,this study,based on the real project of“Door&Window Hardware”,explores the quality management of collaborative translation of applied texts from the perspective of a project manager.In this context,we set up a translation team to undertake a translation project from a company.This paper analyzes the quality problems of translation in the project,which was completed by master's degree candidates of translation and interpreting.In terms of these problems,there are reasons from the aspects of project stakeholders,technology and project management,and suggested solutions are put forward from corresponding aspects.In addition,the management process is summed up,which is suitable for similar projects undertaken by MTI students from Hebei University of Technology and similar science and engineering colleges and universities.Also,the translation quality assessment system,the translator's evaluation and file templates are summarized.Through the above research,this paper not only provides reference and guidance for MTI students who will undertake similar projects in the future,but also brings implications to the MTI education in colleges and universities and promotes the training of professional translators to adapt to the ever-changing language services market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Applied texts, Collaborative translation, Quality management
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