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Research On Song Jiong's Literature

Posted on:2020-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596974177Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song Jiong is a famous poetry writer in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty,and a representative of the northern Chinese scholar in the Yuan Dynasty.Song Jiong was born in JiangLing area of South China because of his father's official duties.He studied Neo-Confucianism from his brother Song Ben when he was young.He carried his poems back home from his brother Song Ben for Yan you six years.He was well-known as a Beijing master.He was consoled and recommended by Yuan Mingshan,Zhang Yanghao,Cai Wenyuan and Wang Shixi.In the first year of his Zhizhi,Song Ben was the top one on the left list.In the first year of Taiding,Song Jiong was also a famous scholar.This was precious in the Yuan Dynasty,when the imperial examination system was once interrupted and the number of admissions was very small.Song Jiong was the third to enter the Hanlin National Academy of History.He had a history of literature and talents.He was involved in the editing of The Record of Heavenly Calendar.He was involved in the History of Song in the third year of Zhizheng,and was responsible for Song Gaozong Ji and Elections,they are of great historical value.Song Jiong served as the supervisory system and spoke up honestly and courageously.In his later years,he was a bachelor of science and a banquet official in the imperial examinations.He was able to recommend scholars to accept the imperial examinations.Song Jiong's official experience is of exemplary significance among the Han literary officials in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty.Song Jiong traveled a lot in his life,and later became an official through the imperial examination.Therefore,he have a large circle of friends.Song Jiong studied from Song Ben in JiangLing when he was young,and Song Ben teach to support his family.This made Song Jiong have the first group of like-minded classmates,and through Song Ben he was able to get to know more scholars and friends.After returning to Beijing,Song Jiong was famous for his erudite talent and talent.Therefore,scholars in Beijing very happy to associate with him,and Song Jiong's optimistic personality and approachability made him more like a fish in water in the cultural circle of Beijing.After Taiding's admission,his circle of friends expanded further to the same year's scholars and colleagues.The multitude of friends established his central position in the academic circles in the middle and late period.At the same time,with the change of living environment and identity,we can see their different influence on Song Jiong's thought and literature from the different of his friends.Moreover,Song Jiong's friends are all celebrities,representing the cultural and academic level of the middle and late Yuan Dynasty.When it comes to literature,Song Jiong has a personal collection called Yanshi Collection consisting of 15 volumes and one volume of appendix.There are 687 poems in Yanshi Collection,which are rich in content and close to life.They involve all aspects of work,life and entertainment.Even the pursuit of ambition and integrity can be reflected in the poems.It can be said that Song Jiong's poems are the portrayal of his life.Song Jiong's poetry not only enriches the content of Yuan poetry,but also the complete preservation of Yanshi Collection is the representative of the existing Yuan poetry in terms of genre and subject matter,it shows the social reality at that time and the achievements of Chinese scholars in politics,literature and history of Yuan Dynasty,which has made great contributions to the literary history of dynasties and even to the whole history of Chinese literature and literature.His poems are broadly divided into four categories: chronicle poems,farewell poems,reward poems and painting poems.chronicle poems reflects the feelings and feelings of Song Jiong in various periods,and restores the life scene and psychological state of Song Jiong at that time,which is a record of his life trajectory.The farewell poem can be used to understand the relationship between the poet and the multifaceted information and historical truth of the person being sent.The reward poems show Song Jiong's friendship and interest in daily discussions and academic discussions with his classmates and friends.Painting poems combine scenery with illocutionary purpose.Song Jiong's special experience from the south to the North made him possess both the grandeur and magnificence of the South and the simplicity and rigidity of the north in his poetry creation,presenting a unique fresh and magnificent style.Song Jiong served in the History Museum during his later period,which was the concentrated period of his article output.There are five volumes of Yanshi Collection in Chinese,totaling 107 articles.The genres of Yanshi Collection are rich,including Fu,congratulatory forms,Shangliang Wen,Zhuwen,Ji,preface,miscellaneous works,sacrificial inscriptions,inscriptions,lines,biographies,postscripts and other genres.It shows the actual situation and content characteristics of literati's inheritance of their predecessors in style in Yuan Dynasty.Song Jiong is familiar with his scale and style in creation,and he writes appropriately.It is characterized by warmth,cleanliness and simplicity.It is often Introducing history into text under the influence of the history study,and has the value of literature and historical materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Jiong, Yanshi Collection, Poetry, Prose
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