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C-E Simultaneous Interpreting Methods From The Perspective Of Communicative Translation Theory

Posted on:2019-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LuFull Text:PDF
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This report is a case study of C-E simultaneous interpreting methods of the open course,Introduction to Architecture by Tongji University.And this study has chosen the fourth episode Reason and Innovation: Architectural Design Process and Pursuit.Based on communicative translation theory proposed by Peter Newmark,the interpreting is conducted.In addition,the interpreting methods and reflections are concluded.There are four chapters in this report,including project introduction,pre-interpreting preparations,case study,and interpreting summary and reflection.First of all,background information is described.The feasibility of the project and significance of the report are discussed.In view of similarities and differences between interpreting and translation,the related concepts of communicative translation theory serve as the theoretical basis in this interpreting.Then pre-interpreting preparations and difficulty overviews are presented in Chapter Two.Interpreting preparations include the encyclopedic and the topic-related knowledge.The difficulties are elaborated during the interpreting at three levels.At the lexical level,there are some unfamiliar terms about architecture and some Chinese expressions with misunderstandings.At the syntactical level,redundancy and long sentences may affect interpreting.At the contextual level,the logical differences between English and Chinese as well as the ambiguous reference are the difficulties.Next,the third chapter analyzes the application of communicative translation theory from three aspects: lexical,syntactical and contextual levels with corresponding methods.Literal translation,free translation,and the skill of transforming the parts of speech are used at the lexical level.At the syntactical level,the methods of omission,concision,maintaining the vital information,and splitting the long sentences are presented.At the contextual level,the interpreter tries to make the context more logical by using the cohesive devices.The interpreter also tries to find the object that the pronouns indicate.The last chapter is the Conclusion,consisting of the summary of the report and reflections from the interpretation.To sum up,the method of doing the theoretical research with the interpreting practice is adopted in this project,aiming to spread the Chinese architectural culture to foreign countries.Furthermore,this report hopes to call on more interpreters to pay attention to architecture and improve the quality of Chinese architecture interpretation.
Keywords/Search Tags:communicative translation theory, interpreting methods, Introduction to Architecture, architectural design
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