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An E-C Translation Report On Corporate Quarter Report

Posted on:2019-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545452569Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is an E-C translation report on corporate quarter report which was chosen from Bestway Cement Limited in Pakistan.The main content of the quarter report includes company information,directors' report to the shareholders,unconsolidated financial report containing balance sheet,profit and loss account,statement of comprehensive income,cash flow statement,statement of changes in equity and notes to the unconsolidated financial information as a whole.Corporate reports reflect the operating conditions of a company.Therefore,the translation of such reports is of great significance for quick understanding of the operation and prospects of an enterprise.This report has made a comprehensive description,analysis and summary of the text from five parts: introduction,task description,translation process,translation case analysis and translation summary,among which the introduction mainly introduces the background and significance of the research;the first part is centered on giving a simple description of the translation task and analyzing the features of the text to-be-translated;the translation process focuses on work done through pre-translation,translation and post-translation process;On the basis of text function classification theory of famous Britain translation theorist Newmark and his communicative translation theory,the part of case analysis mainly deals with the analysis of terminology and professional use of common words in the source text,vocabulary translation annotation,passive voice,post-modifiers and long sentences;the last part summarizes the whole process of translation,including translation difficulties and experiences learned through the process.Based on previous research results on classic cases in financial reports,this translation report has summed up the characteristics of the corporate financial report,at the same time with a large number of parallel text,the paper has analyzed vocabularies and sentences of 2016 third quarter report of Bestway Cement Limited in a detailed way,and put forward some specific translation methods for the problems encountered in the translation process.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial report, translation strategies, communicative translation
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