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Research On Satisfaction Rate Of Rural Residents' Basic Medical Services

Posted on:2019-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330548981926Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The party and government have always attached great importance to the development of China's medical and health services.Since the beginning of the 21st century,the state has issued a series of strategic measures to solve the high expense problem of seeing a doctor.In 2003,it gradually established a new rural cooperative medical system covering almost all rural residents.In 2009,it made an important strategic plan to deepen the reform of the medical and health system.In 2017,the Party's Nineteenth Congress proposed to implement a healthy Chinese development strategy and improve people's health.At the level of national development strategy,further improving the well-being of resident is indispensable.However,as the core and focus of health care reform,Rural health care remains as a weak link in the development of medical care in China.What is the current state of satisfaction rate of medical services among rural residents?After undergoing a series of medical and health reforms,what have been the improvements in the medical services of rural residents?Which critical and difficult issues still restrict the development of rural medical and health services?Therefore,several comprehensive measures are of great significance:to understand and evaluate the satisfaction of rural residents,to summarize and grasp the current achievements in rural medical and health reforms,to analyze the main factors that influence and constrain the further advancement of rural medical and health reform,to explore the path of rural medical and health reforms,and to promote The governance capacity of rural medical services.Songyang County is located in Zhejiang Province,where economic development is fast,regional competitiveness is relatively strong with reformed and innovative social undertakings.Once upon a time,Songyang County was defined as an uncapped "undeveloped"county with a slacking economic development in Zhejiang Province.The illness and disability due to poverty was more thought-provoking.In recent years,relying on the strategic deployment and requirements of social reform and innovation in Zhejiang Province,the reform of rural health care in Songyang County has been progressing rapidly with remarkable results.Firstly,this paper uses the theory of public goods and performance management to theoretically analyze the satisfaction rate of rural residents' basic medical services.Secondly,the choice of American customer satisfaction model and the structural equation modeling(SEM)concertedly establish the satisfaction rate of rural residents' basic medical services.Once again,the evaluation system selected Songyang County as the study sample,adopted a random sampling method to survey the satisfaction rate of rural residents' basic medical service and its influencing factors,and used SPSS software and AMOS software to process and calculate the data.The study finds that the overall satisfaction of basic medical services for rural residents is still in urgent need of improvement.Among them,on the highest level of satisfaction rate is medical insurance services,with the moderate satisfaction rate of medical insurance system construction,and the lowest satisfaction rate is medical services.The reason is that in recent years,the reform of medical insurance services and the construction of the medical insurance system have achieved remarkable results.The scope and level of compensation for medical insurance real-time settlement,off-site reimbursement and medical insurance have been continuously improved.Peasants have shared the results of these reforms and formed their better recognition.At the same time,issues such as service attitude and quality,convenience status,and high medical expenses of medical institutions still restrict the improvement of the satisfaction rate of rural residents' basic medical services.It is necessary to strengthen the standardization of rural primary medical institutions,accelerate the fund raising and security mechanisms for basic medical services,improve the supervision and performance evaluation mechanisms for medical insurance agency,and enhance the informatization of medical services.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural residents basic medical service, satisfaction rate, structural equation modeling
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