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Research Of Profound Experience Design In Orthodontic Service For Children

Posted on:2019-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChengFull Text:PDF
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With the gradual improvement of living standards,personal health awareness has also increased.The traditional medical service framework can no longer meet the needs of patients.The new medical services need to move from a single goal of completion of diagnosis and treatment to medical treatment centered on disease prevention,health care,daily care,and improve the medical experience.In the field of children's dental orthodontic services,orthodontic treatment techniques are relatively mature.However,the service experience that pays attention to children's physical,psychological,and health management is still at an initial stage.This results in the patient's experience of treatment is fragmented and not continuously.Therefore,children's dental orthodontic services require the intervention of profound experience design methods,focusing on multidimensional medical service experiences led by core medical problems.While completing orthodontic treatment,the service is supplemented with deep experience design with multiple touch points to enhance patient's satisfaction with treatment,tap the patient's experience value,and extend it to the social level of social significance.This study carried out a desktop research analysis of medical health services,children's dental orthodontic services,profound experience design,user experience design,and other relevant literature,and analyzed and summarized the three aspects of the user's experience in profound experience design,that is,the target stage.Progressiveness,the overall nature of the positive experience,and the longevity of reflective value.And the deep experience design method was used to divide the experience cycle of children's dental orthodontic services and four stages were summarized,namely the cognitive stage,implementation stage,identification stage,and value development stage.Based on actual cases and investigations,combing the profound experience features and demand points in the experience of children's dental orthodontic service stage,to verify and deepen.Among them,the common demand points center on the aspects of hospital information acquisition,self-health assessment,clinical environmental experience,medical treatment implementation experience,daily health care,personal health management,experience value acquisition and sharing.Therefore,the designer needs to combine the design of multiple contacts while ensuring the smooth progress of the basic medical treatment experience to shift the user experience from basic medical treatment experience to emotional experience,lifestyle experience,and personal value experience.The four strategic dimensions of orthodontic service profound experience design include information dissemination dimension,scene transition dimension,continuation service dimension,and experience influence dimension.This study focuses on the complete child dental orthodontic service experience in the design strategy.Based on an in-depth experience in design strategy,the multi-touch design in the integrated service will gradually promote information and scene-based service experience to the value level of experience,especially the profound patient experience in the later stages of diagnosis and treatment.The user experience is elevated to the value of the experience to change the experience of the traditional children's dental orthodontic services.In addition,the entire service system needs to consider the mobilization of multiple stakeholders to form an active,organized and sustainable service system.Through service mobilization,organization co-creation,user feedback,in-depth experience,interactive behavior,visual cognition and other aspects to enhance the user experience value and social service value,and also provide a practical and theoretical basis for the change and transformation of the traditional medical industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, orthodontic dental service, profound experience design
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