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Efficacy Of Early Enteral Nutrition Therapy In The Treatment Of Severe Acute Pancreatitis In Dogs

Posted on:2018-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330575975187Subject:Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Canine acute pancreatitis is a very high incidence of digestive diseases,with anorexia,mental depression,abdominal pain,vomit:ing as a typical symptom.Pathogenic factors are complex,diet is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis in dogs.Other pathogenic factors include environmental,genetic,surgical,and other disease complications.Acute pancreatitis is a quick and symptomatic reversible condition,but in severe cases it can cause local and systemic complications,with a certain lethality,and a very high demand for energy and nutrients.Test ? Test of tolerability of esophageal gastric tube in dogs with severe acute pancreatitisEnteral nutrition can alleviate the systemic inflammatory response in patients with acute pancreatitis has been widely recognized,but in dogs with severe acute pancreatitis(SAP)on the application of less.In the dog through the esophageal stoma placement feeding tube is simple,easy to feed,stay a long time,and can provide a variety of nutrients for the SAP dogs.In this study,20 healthy dogs were selected and the canine SAP model was successfully constructed by retrograde injection of sodium bovine sodium cholesterate and trypsin.The aim of this study was to investigate the tolerability of feeding the diet through the esophageal stoma,(PE-1),canine protease immunoassay(cTLI),dog-specific pancreatic lipase(S-cPL)and other pancreatic markers were randomly divided into TPN group and EN group.Changes of the contents of the dog,the observation of the esophageal stoma to give nutrition and total parenteral nutrition to dogs SAP differences.The results showed that:through the esophageal stoma to give nutrition and parenteral nutrition did not lead to the same model dog pancreatic secretion increased,so the mold dog through the esophageal stoma to give nutrition is well tolerated.Test ? Analysis of the efficacy of early enteral nutrition therapy in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis in dogsIn the clinical dog pancreatic disease is very high incidence,and severe acute pancreatic dog demand for nutrients is very high.In the past,complete fasting and intravenous administration of severe acute pancreatitis(SAP)can lead to many complications,so the role of enteral nutrition(EN)therapy in SAP has attracted the attention of scholars.EN therapy has been recognized and widely used in human SAP,but is less applied in dog SAP.In this study,30 healthy dogs were selected and the canine SAP model was successfully constructed by retrograde injection of sodium bovine sodium cholesterate and trypsin.This study was designed to apply early enteral nutrition therapy to canine SAP.The patients were divided into sham operation group(S group),positive control group(SAP group),parenteral nutrition group(TPN group),jejunum nutrition group(EN-1 group),esophageal ostomy group(EN-2 group).The inflammation and intestinal injury of dogs were analyzed by WBC,C-reactive protein,D-lactic acid and endotoxin.The results showed that EN was more likely to control systemic inflammatory response than parenteral nutrition in canine SAP.Gastrointestinal tract to give nutrition after intestinal injury to reduce,EN can effectively alleviate the complications of canine SAP.Gastrointestinal stoma to give nutrition and jejunum tube to give nutrition for the treatment of dogs equivalent,no significant difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:dog, enteral nutrition, severe acute pancreatitis, esophageal gastric tube, jejunum tube
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