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The Research On Development Strategy Of Mingyuan Bee Industry Co., Ltd

Posted on:2012-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330374991250Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bee product gains more popularity. Bee industry has brighter prospect. On theother hand, this industry's development is restricted by the intense competition,non-standard development, similar products, backward technology, etc. How can oneenterprise survive and develop in the challenging and risky industry? This is theprimary question which every bee company needs to face.Being a strong, top-ranked company in the industry, Hunan MingYuan BeeIndustry Co., Ltd (abbreviated MingYuan Bee Industry) is a strong regional brand andhas advantage in scale, talents, financial resources and R&D capabilities. However,this company also lacks strategic direction, development ideas, product features andmarketing development ability and so on. MingYuan Bee Industry wants to get biggerand stronger. So it must take hold of opportunities provided by external environmentand play its own advantage. After analyzing the external environment and internalresources, the company should establish the efficient and viable development strategy.In the beginning, this paper introduces the background and significance of thetopic, and gives a brief introduction of strategic management theory and strategicmanagement process, comes up with the paper's thesis, method, and contents. Afterthat, by using PEST analysis method, this paper analyzes the company's political&legal environment, economic environment, social&cultural environment andtechnological environment. Natural environment is analyzed, too. The paper uses the“five forces model” to identify the industrial competitive environment, including thethreat of potential entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining capabilities of suppliers,bargaining capabilities of consumers and MingYuan's existing competitors. Then, thepaper analyzes the internal environment of MingYuan. It analyzes the company'sadvantage and disadvantage from multiple perspectives, concludes the company'sresources and abilities. On the basis of it, the paper uses SWOT analysis to analyze thecompany's opportunities, threats, strength and weakness. The company has moreopportunities than threats. And its advantage is prominent, disadvantage can bechanged. According to the company's vision?mission?strategic goals and presentsituation, the paper determines MingYuan Bee Industry should choose growth strategy.Then growth strategy is analyzed one by one? and final concrete developmentstrategies are chosen: intensive growth strategies?horizontal integration strategy and forward integration strategy. Differentiation strategy and focus strategy are chosen tobe competitive strategy. Finally, this paper suggests possible supporting measure forstrategy from organization structure, human resources, marketing and brandingrecognition, financial management, technology innovation, and corporate culture.In this paper, strategic management theory and analysis tools are combined withthe actual case. After researching the MingYuan Bee Industry's development strategy,the paper not only guides MingYuan's long term development, but also gives somereference for the health food industry and for the small and medium enterprises ofagricultural industrialization...
Keywords/Search Tags:MingYuan Bee Industry, Bee product, Development strategy, SWOTanalysis
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