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Study On Function Of Couplet Inscriptions In Prince Gong's Mansion In Beijing In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2020-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330575451940Subject:Architecture and civil engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the state has vigorously advocated the protection of a series of cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage.General Secretary Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang gave important instructions on the protection of traditional culture,cultural heritage and cultural relics in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the government work report of the Thirteenth National People's Congress.Therefore,both intangible cultural heritage and material cultural heritage are our precious wealth.In practice,they usually complement each other and are closely related.The typical representative of Beijing's Qing Dynasty Royal palace,Prince Gong's palace,and the couplet inscriptions formed such a harmonious relationship.The couplet inscription is an important part of our traditional architecture and gardens because of its literary content,literary expression and integration with architecture and gardens.Specifically,it includes plaque,couplet and inscription.The couplet inscription is an important part of our traditional architecture and gardens because of its literary content,literary expression and integration with architecture and gardens.Specifically,it includes plaque,couplet and inscription.As an ancient capital of several dynasties,Beijing has many historical and cultural heritages.The Qing Dynasty royal palace is one of them,and Gong Prince's palace is a well-regulated and well-preserved representative of the Qing Dynasty Royal palace.Many experts and scholars have made a detailed study of Prince Gong's palace from the perspective of history and architecture.The couplet inscription is an organic part of Chinese ancient buildings and traditional gardens.It is not only a cultural carrier,but also a component element of architecture.In May 2006,the couplet was selected as the first national intangible cultural heritage list.In Chinese history,couplet inscriptions are closely related to people's lives.They are widely used in various social strata,and their application scenarios are very rich.The inscription of couplets has a long history.Scholars have conducted academic research throughout the dynasties,as well as in modern and contemporary times.Although scholars have done a lot of research on the inscriptions of Prince Gong's Palace and couplets,there is still a blank research on the effect of the inscriptions of Prince Gong's Palace on the architecture of Prince Gong's Palace.On the one hand,couplet inscriptions as a "link",in the form of intangible cultural heritage,will be written culture,language and art,humanistic thinking,religious culture and ancient Chinese architectural science,organic integration.On the other hand,as an integral part of architecture and gardens,couplet inscriptions play an auxiliary and synergistic role in shaping space,constructing environment and expressing architectural functions.The purpose of this paper is to study the role of couplet inscriptions in the architecture of Prince Gong's Palace in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty.Through field research,the author systematically sorted out the data of the research subjects,including photography,analysis and classification,statistical collation and plane icon annotation.At the same time,the author read a lot of literature about Gongwangfu and couplet inscriptions to lay a data foundation for further research.Firstly,it systematically combs Chinese couplet inscriptions.The inscriptions of couplets are divided into plaques,couplets and inscriptions.The historical evolution,development and functional characteristics of plaques,couplets and inscriptions are analyzed respectively.Secondly,the historical background of couplet inscriptions in Gongwang's mansion is fully studied,including the replacement of mansion owners,the historical evolution,the architectural characteristics of Beijing's mansion in Qing Dynasty,the general situation of couplet inscriptions in Qing Dynasty and the existing situation of couplet inscriptions in Qing Dynasty.Then,the ontology of Gongwang Fu couplet inscriptions is studied,including the number,location,classification,basic elements and text content of Gongwang Fu couplet inscriptions.Among them,the basic elements of couplet inscription include font,color collocation,decoration,Junji and so on.Finally,the function of couplet inscriptions in Gongwangfu architecture is emphatically studied.Its functions include: expressing the hierarchical status of Wangfu architecture,highlighting the cultural composition of Wangfu architecture,and constructing the spatial order of Wangfu architecture.Among them,the role of building the spatial order of Wangfu architecture is divided into five aspects: marking space function,strengthening axis space,assisting symmetrical space,pointing out transition space and expressing landscape features.Based on the above research,it is concluded that the couplet inscription,as a precious intangible cultural heritage in China,played an important role in the Qing Dynasty Imperial Palace architecture.This is precisely what we should learn from modernist architecture.That kind of indulgence in simple room function marking and international architectural form design really needs to draw lessons from couplet inscriptions in cultural artistic conception and spiritual aesthetics.Therefore,this study is not only conducive to our understanding of traditional architecture and culture,but also conducive to promoting our shaping in modern architectural design.The design of architectural space and expression of architectural theme can be used for reference in expressing the quality and significance of space construction of modern architecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prince Gong's Mansion, Couplet inscription, Function research, Functional label, Space construction, Implied expres
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