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Research On Assessing The Publicness Of Urban Public Space

Posted on:2019-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China into a new stage,the city and the society are also facing the transformation.As a part of urban space,urban public space plays an important role in social life and should be paid more attention.At present,there are a series of problems in the public space in China.Publicness is the essential attribute of public space.At present,domestic research lacks quantitative assessing to evaluate the quality of public space and guide the design and management of public space.This paper mainly studies publicness of urban public space in Jianghan District of Wuhan City,and improves the star model,constructs and consummate the principles of urban public space design and management.This paper first analyzes the historical evolution and current situation of urban space in Jianghan District,and uses the space syntax theory to comb out the urban configuration of Jianghan District,including the foreground network and background networkt.Furthermore,the relationship between urban public space and foreground network and background network is analyzed by combining space syntax theory with morphological typology.Some representative cases of urban public space are selected,and the publicness of the case is assessed by using the star model.And according to the results of the assessing,the design and management principles of urban public space are put forward.The first chapter is the introduction,which briefly introduces the research background and theoretical basis of public space,and focuses on the basic principles of space syntax and star model.The second chapter is the analysis of the spatial evolution and the status quo of Jianghan District.According to historical files,data and planning,combined with the spatial influence index,Jianghan is divided into three parts.The third chapter is the case analysis and screening of urban public space system of Jianghan District,according to the theory of space syntax,the urban space of Jianghan District is divided into foreground network and background network,corresponding to different levels of urban public space,analysis method combined with morphology,summarizes the distribution law.And combined with various factors,the representative public space cases are selected.The fourth chapter is the case publicness assessing of urban publicspace in Jianghan District.The star model is used to assess the publicness of the case,and the dimensions of each case are analyzed,and the overall assessing is summarized.The fifth chapter is the result analysis of publicness assessing of urban public space in Jianghan District.By comparing the star models of different cases,I find the problems in star model,and make corrections to get the revised assessing results.And the star model and space syntax are compared to analyze their respective advantages.The sixth chapter is the principles of urban public space design and management.According to the assessing results of star model,the existing problems in the public space of Jianghan District are summarized,and the principles of urban public space design and management are put forward.Finally,it is concluded that the public space of different grades and different functional types will be better in some dimensions and some dimensions are lacking,which reflects the difference in the use of public space.The purpose of the public space evaluation of urban public space is to improve the quality of public space,make public space break through the limits of grade and function,and have the most extensive inclusiveness and participation,and greatly improve the publicness of the whole urban public space.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban public space, publicness, star model, Space Syntax, Jianghan District
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