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Research On Farmers' Green Production Technology Adoption From The Perspective Of "Double Network"

Posted on:2021-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330629453522Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the current economy and society,China's agricultural production has made remarkable achievements,but the agricultural production technology has not been fundamentally changed,still dominated by high chemical fertilizers and pesticides,resulting in increasingly prominent food safety problems and environmental pollution.Therefore,the development of green agriculture has become the focus of the government and the country,and the inevitable way to achieve this goal is to promote the adoption of green production technology.Therefore,it is necessary to study how to promote the adoption of green production technology by farmers to ensure the safety and ecology of agricultural production and develop green agriculture.In the information age,both the new Internet and the traditional social network have become the main channels for farmers to obtain agricultural information.A series of problems,such as what role do traditional social networks play in this? whether the new Internet can help farmers adopt green production technology,need to be solved.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the green production technology adoption behavior of farmers from the perspective of "dual network".In view of this,this article embarks from the perspective of "double n etwork",combing the Internet and social network with farmers,on the basis of literature in the green production technology adoption behavior in shaanxi apple producing 585 farmers questionnaire for samples,to master the basic features of shaanxi apple growers,using Probit model and endogenous transformation model(ESP)empirical analysis on the social network and the "double network" influence on peasant household green production technology adopted,from the perspective of the whole industry chain analysis different dimensions of social network and the influence of peasant household green manufacturing technology adoption behavior differences;It also analyzes the influence of Internet on the adoption of green production technology by farmers from the perspective of the regulating effect of social network,affirms the important influence of traditional social network on the green production behavior of farmers in the information age.Specific research contents and conclusions are as follows:(1)Research on the influence of social network on the adoption of green production technology by farmers.This section from the farmer's production plant and sales links in the network contact Angle,and combining the existing scholars on the research of the rural "relatives" social network,trying to break the traditional social network partitioning and analysis model,the farmer social network into patriarchal social network,productive social network,and marketability social network three dimensions,empirical analysis on the relationship between the different dimensions of social network influence on farmers IPM technology adoption,results show that the patriarchal social network has a positive influence on farmers IPM technology adoption,but not significantly;The productive social network can significantly improve farmers' IPM technology by 10.21%,while the marketability social network can significantly increase farmers' IPM technology adoption probability by 12.15%.(2)The influence of internet on farmers' adoption of green production technology.First of all,this part considering the selection bias of farmers' Internet use and endogenous problems caused by omissions related variables,therefore first the endogenous transformation model is adopted to model(ESP)analyze the impact of Internet use on farmer IPM technology adoption,farmers IPM technology adoption the M1 model results show that social networks can make use of the Internet farmers to adopt the probability of IPM technology increased by 27.8%,for farmers to use the Internet,social networks have positive significant effects on the IPM technology adoption behavior;For farmers who do not use the Internet,social network can increase the probability of adopting IPM technology by 56.6%,indicating that the technology adoption decision behavior of farmers who do not use the Internet mainly depends on their social network relationship.In general,social network has a significant positive impact on IPM technology adoption among all farmers,but it plays a stronger role in households that do not use the Internet than those that do.In addition,the results of household IPM technology adoption model M2 show that: market social network has a significant positive impact on IPM technology adoption of households using the Internet,and can increase the probability of IPM technology adoption of households by 15.8%,while clan social network and productive social network have a positive impact on IPM technology of households,but neither is significant.Secondly,this part in eliminating the observable with an observation variable lead to selection bias,ATT estimation results show that the possibility of Internet use on IPM technology adoption behavior significantly increased by 41.0%,while M2 is 43.0%,ATU estimation results show that for farmers don't use the Internet,by building the fact that the farmers use the Internet to increase the probability of 19.0%,IPM technology adoption behavior and M2 is 21.0%.Finally,this paper introduces the product term of social network variables and Internet integration degree to verify the moderating effect of social network on farmers' IPM technology adoption behavior.The empirical results show that;The interaction coefficient of social network and Internet integration is positive(0.022),that is,social network plays a catalytic regulating role in the positive impact of Internet on green technology adoption behavior of farmers.In this paper,through theoretical analysis and empirical results,from strengthening the Internet popularization,the implementation of online and offline world connection interaction,give play to the role of social network in one of the connection,give full play to the productive social networks and marketability social network as a representative of high quality social network resource adjustment,implementation of Internet information effectively,thus to realize sustainable development of green agriculture in our country,to provide a solid and reliable foundation,etc.,put forward countermeasures and Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, social network, Green production technology, apple farmers
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