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Study On Adoption Behavior And Influencing Factors Of Pig Manure's Energy Consumption Technology For Large-scale Farmers

Posted on:2020-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z K ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572975315Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of the living standards of the Chinese people,the consumption of meat,such as pigs,cattle and sheep,has increased year by year.The pig breeding industry in the traditional aquaculture provinces including Hubei Province has developed rapidly,and the breeding model is gradually intensifying and scale.Transformation.The continuous expansion of the scale of breeding has led to an increase in the intensity and density of pig manure discharge,and even caused different levels of agricultural non-point source pollution.Scale farms are particularly typical.At the same time,the domestic livestock and poultry free-range model was gradually replaced due to environmental policies and other reasons,which further led to the abandonment of household biogas due to lack of raw materials,but the problems of rising rural energy demand and energy structure adjustment urgently needed to be resolved.Among them,the energy technology of pig manure represented by biogas can be used as an effective means to treat pig manure,which can better alleviate the environmental pollution caused by pig breeding and provide clean energy for ordinary farmers through unified gas supply.However,in the actual promotion process,despite the government's introduction of a series of related incentive policies,the proportion of adoption of pig manure energy technology is still low,and the proportion of abandoned idleness is prominent.Therefore,this paper takes biogas technology as an example to discuss the adoption behavior and influencing factors of large-scale farmers' pig manure energy technology,and find out the key factors that have been neglected by previous research,promote the promotion and continuous use of this technology,and improve the pigs.The environmental problems brought about by farming and the adjustment of the energy structure in rural areas are of great significance.In this paper,aiming at hot issues in the field of environmental protection and resource utilization,to responsible environmental behavior model of "improvement" as the theoretical framework,to pig feces energy technology as the research object,on the scale of farmers on the basis of field investigation and data analysis,the characteristics of sample scale farmers,energy technology knowledge,value cognition,the pig waste treatment way has carried on the descriptive statistics.Based on the theory and present situation analysis,in order to more scientific and reasonable to explain the scientific problems,this paper tries to use the multiple-probit,generalized precise matching method(CEM),large-scale farmers from pig manure energy-oriented technology adoptionbehavior influencing factors such as different aspects of an in-depth discussion and research,and through the robustness test and endogenous discussed to verify the results of scientific and reasonable.Main conclusions as follows:(1)First of all,the scale of farmers live pig waste treatment in the shift towards the direction of the green,recycle,methane as the main way,still have a certain amount of scale farmers to understand the technology level is low,the second,the farmers as the scale of biogas technology the highest social value cognition,followed by ecological value,and the lowest economic value cognition;Finally,technical problems,including construction,management and use,continue to plague farmers.(2)Based on different adoption behaviors,this paper finds that control points,action strategies and pig farm location positively influence the early adoption behaviors of large-scale farmers;Control points,action skills,economic constraints and peer reciprocity significantly increased the possibility of large-scale farmers to adopt in the later stage,while the breeding years and breeding scale had a negative impact.Control points,knowledge of action strategies,economic constraints,peer interactions,peer trust,and gender can all positively increase the likelihood that large-scale farmers will continue to adopt energy-intensive technologies.(3)Control the complex factors,this paper found that frequent interaction and reciprocity between farmers and higher degree of mutual trust and benefit of pig feces energy technology later adopted and continue to adopt,to verify the technical promotion by government in mode,the social network in scale farmers groups can play a more important role.On this basis,this paper puts forward for large-scale farmers live pig feces energy technology adopted different stage,related departments should take corresponding support policy support,to play a role in the government also attaches great importance to the size of its role in the social network between farmers groups,promote the interaction and mutual benefit and mutual trust between farmers and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:large-scale farmers, pig manure, energy technology, responsible environmental behavior, the social network
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