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Study On Human Resource Development Strategy Of Xinjiang Green Xiang Sugar Company

Posted on:2018-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330533464490Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company was founded in August 2003,is in the implementation of national and autonomous region of Xinjiang sugar industry overall control and structural adjustment policies,to meet the basic requirements of the development of the market economy established,is a set production and management of white sugar,soft white sugar,refined sugar,edible alcohol,fine sand,beet pulp,domestic and foreign trade as one of the large sugar enterprises,large state-owned enterprises and the autonomous region of Xinjiang sugar industry.Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company to obtain a good development in the current competitive environment,the need to develop the human resource development strategy in the strategic framework,so as to improve the use of human resources efficiency,to achieve the long-term development strategy of the company's business objectives.In order to better study the human resource development strategy of Xinjiang green-source sugar company,this thesis consists of seven parts,the first part is the introduction mainly describes the research background,research significance,literature review and research status,clear the main content of this paper research and research framework,the research method of this paper to use;the second part of the the research on human resource strategy of the domestic sugar enterprise overview,mainly summarizes this thesis relates to human resource development,strategic management,agricultural enterprises and other related concepts and related theories;the third part describes the development status of Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company and the existing problems,and from the six aspects about the current situation of Xinjiang Xiang green sugar the company's human resources,then Xinjiang Xiang green sugar company to develop human resources development strategy from four aspects Want meaning.The fourth part of the detailed analysis of Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company strategy of human resource environment,the strategic direction of four modes of analysis are given for the human resource development strategy in Xinjiang green-source sugar company using SWOT and analyzes four modes of company can be used;the fifth part describes the human resource development strategy of Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company guidelines and,by using the analysis tool of QSPM matrix,in the above four modes selection,determine the company's human resources development strategy;the sixth part in determining the development strategy of Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company human resources,security measures for the development of human resources development strategy from four aspects of the research content of this paper;the seventh part is the summary and analysis the existing problems and shortcomings,puts forward the prospects of further study on the paper.The conclusion of this paper is Xinjiang green-source sugar company built matched with the strategy of the company's human resources strategy,including the strategy of human resources development and personnel structure optimization strategy.By seizing the favorable external opportunities,improve the internal human resources development,improve and avoid the disadvantages,use every opportunity to seek long-term development of the company's human resources development strategy.Through the optimization of organizational structure,pay attention to staff recruitment,training and development,strengthen the improvement of the performance pay system,enrich the incentive methods,strengthen the construction of enterprise culture to improve the core competitive advantage also,ultimately achieve the company personnel to optimize the structure,staff work to improve the environment,improve the work efficiency of the enterprise talent strategy.The conclusion of this study will be helpful to improve the company's development strategy of human resources management level,can provide a reference for the human resource development strategy of Xinjiang Luxiang sugar company,can also provide a reference for the state-owned enterprise human resources development strategy is the restructuring of the corps.Pressure.
Keywords/Search Tags:enterprise management, human resource strategy, strategic choice, Xinjiang green-source sugar company
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