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The Research Of Performance Management Of Changzhou Wujin Local Taxation Bureau

Posted on:2018-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518499748Subject:Public management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, the work content, process, mechanism, center of gravity of local tax department has quietly changed by the gradual deepening the reform of tax collection.There are a series of problems between the ideas and since the consciousness of tax personnel and the development. Ideological disadvantages like "Egalitarianism"|,"Do not seek merit but no more than" has gradually exposed, there is a gradual downward trend of tax service quality and tax administration efficiency, and caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the taxpayer. In this context, the local tax system of Changzhou wujin began to start the strategic performance management system in 2013.It has gone through more than 100 years of research and development on performance management, it has become one of the mainstream management in modern society,and it has become an important way to solve various social and economic contradictions in China's administrative reform. However, due to the tax system performance management research time is relatively short, the level of performance management is still relatively low, the results are not significant. So it is necessary to sort out the performance management of the local tax system, find out the root of the problem, develop effective management methods in order to play the advantages of performance management, tap the potential of tax cadres, tax collection for the country and people.This paper begins with the research on the performance management of the grass-roots tax department, discusses the theory of performance management and the commonly used management methods, and then analyzes the cases from the performance management practice of Changzhou Wujin Local Taxation Bureau, from the promotion of performance management, the participation of tax cadres The paper puts forward the problems and causes of performance management of Wujin local tax at the present time. Secondly, combining with the practical experience of performance management of tax department in the United States, Singapore and Guangzhou,this paper puts forward the construction of performance management culture system and improves the performance. Indicators of scientific design, improve the relevant supporting and working mechanisms and other measures. By digging the potential of tax cadres to improve their efficiency, and ultimately to optimize the purpose of tax services, to complete the country to give us the mission.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wujin Tax Department, Performance Management, Performance Evaluation
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