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Research On The Supervision Of Stock Market Based On The Protection The Interests Of Medium And Small Investors

Posted on:2018-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515987828Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the country in recent years on the cultural industry's strong development,for the talent is the core of the development of cultural industries this understanding more and more profound.A company in the development of the same time,personnel training,talent shortage and other issues become more prominent.This is not only the A company's current human resource management problems to be resolved,the same,but also the entire text of the industry gradually derived from the new business system,to be resolved after the human resource management problems.This paper attempts to put forward some key suggestions on human resource management in the case of A company's rapid development of innovative new business through the relevant literature research on the existing human resource management of domestic and foreign cultural industries.First of all,through the introduction of A company's new business system,this paper analyzes the problems existing in the human resource management of Company A,and points out the problems of human resources strategy.In order to alleviate the shortage of talent and personnel training,Training and cooperation between the two sides,so that both sides of the human resources to be actively and adequately mobilized to achieve complementary supply and demand personnel training model,in order to accelerate the training of reserve personnel to improve efficiency.On the other hand,the face of A company talent shortage,the introduction of difficult and other issues,from the better to attract talent,continue to introduce talents from the point of view,through research and analysis,classification,unprecedented innovation of the industry to establish a new standard system,To take a similar set of industry,to build a set of A company has a certain market competitiveness of the compensation system.In addition,in order to strengthen the ability of personnel training within the company,to create a "two-way" teaching methods,you can continue to consolidate and improve the existing staff within the industry experience,you can also need to provide new training opportunities for students,Set the company's internal personnel training supply strategy,to achieve selfsufficiency.At the same time,also for the cultural industry talent cultivation tiles.Finally,the establishment of the company's internal promotion and incentive mechanism,so that personnel in the career development channel,can get a clear understanding,drive or stimulate,motivate staff work enthusiasm and creativity,in order to fully activate the human resources initiative.Based on the research of human resource management in domestic and foreign cultural industries,this paper puts forward the human resources management of Wencheng industry under the premise of global market orientation,applying strategic human resource management,strengthening the supply of internal talented personnel,establishing open teaching And management mechanism,so as to achieve the overall improvement of the quality of corporate talent.
Keywords/Search Tags:human resource management, training, salary, incentive
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