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Lead-in The EVA To Study On The Improvement Of Evaluation System For W Company

Posted on:2016-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N QuFull Text:PDF
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The small and medium-sized board listing corporation(“SME”) plays a momentous role in the national economy and social development. Especially, SME With good groWth ability and great potential development possibility are coordinated With China's comprehensive economic strength and international competitiveness. Ho Wever, the research on the performance evaluation is insufficient in China. This paper takes China's SME board listing corporation “W company” as a research object. In this research, EVA is introduced to W company, providing reader a neW perspective of performance evaluation system.The lead-in EVA can balance interests of different stakeholders and satisfy shareholders, management, and debtors as Well, in order to maximize the value of company. This paper proposes an improvement of performance evaluation system, providing an objective basis for the company decision maker regarding the company strategy.This paper uses both the theoretical research and case analysis to study the performance evaluation system With lead-in EVA. This paper is divided into five parts: part 1 and part 2 focus on the research background, significance of this research, and methodology of this research, state current theories about performance evaluation system in China and abroad, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of EVA performance evaluation method. Part 3 and part 4 are case study. Part 3 introduces the W company profile and the defect of current performance evaluation system. Part 4 analyze the feasibility of lead-in EVA in the performance evaluation system of W company; and expound the calculation of EVA and accounting adjustment based on the real situation of W company.;and build an EVA performance evaluation system. Part 5 is the conclusion and prospect; it mainly summarizes research results and the deficiency of the research and prospect.One of the innovations of this paper is that the methodology of this paper is case analysis. It study on the improvement of evaluation system With lead-in EVA of W company.It can strengthen investors to judge the reliability of the investment.This paper also put forWard the application value of EVA as a performance evaluation index, and to promote the SME board listing companies lead-in the EVA.
Keywords/Search Tags:EVA, Performance evaluation, W company
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