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Research On The Emotional Transmission Of WeChat Public Number "Mimeng7"

Posted on:2019-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542994027Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The core issue of this study is:what kind of emotions have been disseminated by WeChat public number "mimeng7",and what is the background and problem of spreading the emotion widely?On August 23,2012,WeChat public platform was officially launched.After 5 years,WeChat and Wei Xin combined monthly active users to 806 million.On September 15,2015,the WeChat public number was launched.After 9 months,the fans broke through 4 million.On the first anniversary of the public,the number of fans has exceeded 6 million,and the second anniversary has exceeded 10 million.WeChat and WeChat public number,as a new media phenomenon and information mode,profoundly changes the communication ecology of society and profoundly influences the trend of the whole social culture.As main emotional WeChat public,WeChat public,"mimeng7" emotional class in occupying most of the article,and acquired a lot of attention,forward and comments,this caused the author's research interests.Emotion is a complex phenomenon,which exists both in human nature and in the nature of society.Emotion is not only the material of people's action,but also the action tool and symbol symbol for people to communicate.It is the bearer and carrier of social significance and various symbolic value.Through the study of human emotion,can deepen in the microscopic understanding of human social relations and social communication,on the macro to people better grasp the characteristics of the social structure and the trend of social change.China is falling into a deep social transition,the network and public opinion environment is very complex,the number of WeChat public "mimeng7" emotional communication research,can describe and explain the emotional orientation of real users,found behind the existing problems,and on how to spread the correct emotional values,create a positive and healthy emotional interaction space,shape of the era of mobile Internet public emotion civilization and promote social unity solving measures are put forward,the Chinese society in transition has very obvious practical significance.Through research,the author also tries to reflect on,from the perspective of construction of emotional civilization,mi was "a typical object of study can bring enlightenment to the researchers and how we should construct the era of mobile Internet civilization.Thesis is trying to study beyond description,the phenomenon of"mimeng7" the depth of the pursuit of its interpretation,based on the complex reality demonstration extracting rules,reveal the deep mechanism,on the understanding and interpretation of reality level contribute.Structure of this paper is divided into the following several parts:the introduction part mainly elaborated the paper selected topic origin and the significance,the research status at home and abroad were reviewed and summarized,introduces research methods,the related theory and concept analysis,objective research foundation for the paper writing.In the first chapter,the emotional communication of the wechat public account "mimeng7" is analyzed,and the emotional characteristics of the "mimeng7" article are summarized and described.The second chapter,"mimeng7" fan emotional incentive mechanism,through the questionnaire and to common micro letter users "mimeng7" fans in-depth interviews,analyzes the "mimeng7" fans emotional motivation mechanism,which is in addition to literature and theoretical knowledge in this paper,the content source of another entity,through the questionnaire and "mimeng7" in-depth interview with fans enrich this paper more;The third chapter,the background and influence of the emotional communication of "mimeng7",analyzes the social background and the influence of"mimeng" emotional transmission.In chapter 4,the problem of the emotional communication of "mimeng7" analyzes the problems of its contents and methods.In the fifth chapter carries on the four chapter,with the aid of emotional sociology theory,the analysis of characteristics of the mobile Internet era of emotional civilization,and how to construct the mobile Internet era of emotional civilization put forward its own thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat public number, mimeng7, emotional transmission
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