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Design And Implementation Of Shenzhen Air Cargo Sales System

Posted on:2018-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542457785Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the new century,China's economic construction has made great achievements.Whether it is the southeast coastal city airports or inland cities of the airport,cargo throughput are growing rapidly.Now,with the accelerated pace of life,people have higher requirements on logistics transportation,compared to other forms of transportation,air freight has great speed advantage,behoove has become the main freight logistics industry use.With the development of economy and society,e-commerce has become an important mode of consumption,which has made great progress.Because the freight business is more and more,which makes the air in the process of operation,needs more human resources to deal with the booking flights out of Hong Kong and business,which greatly reduce the efficiency of Freight Company.At present,the rapid development of information technology,on the basis of the design and application of a complete air cargo sales system,will greatly promote the development of air cargo logistics,and promote economic and social progress.Shenzhen airlines using JAVA language to develop a sales management system,the design process is based on Struts,Hibernate and Spring as the technical framework.The system uses the MYSQL database,the use of the current system development technology MVC architecture to achieve the integrity of the design,so as to protect the company's system in the production process to achieve a variety of functions.This system has seven functions,namely the waybill management,booking management,flight management,freight management,static data,statistical statements and user management.Through the implementation of the main function extension of the framework,the system adds new features,which are domestic waybill entry,query,booking,international shipping waybill AWB documentation,foreign airlines booking processing,freight revenue management,city code,transit operation plan,flight volume statistics,goods in operation,processing,delivery,customs cargo delivery notice to Hong Kong,not normal is not normal goods cargo handling,maintenance and user management,agent management.Through the analysis,we can see that the above functions are based on the comprehensive summary of the analysis of agent needs.By using this system,the content of the document,and air freight operation process of customer information,flight data and financial information,has been automated management,digital mode has a high degree of implementation,comprehensive upgrading of system flow,so that enterprises operating costs decreased significantly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shenzhen airlines, Cargo sales system, MVC architecture, Automation management
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