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Design And Implementation Of Real-time Release And Subscription System For Bank Transaction Data

Posted on:2018-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536981606Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the Internet,people’s demands are graduall y increasing,and the network activities involved in daily life also increase,which leads directly to the core system of large and medium-sized banks in the face of high-risk real-time transactions more and more the greater the pressure of the core system peak query capacity is also rising,the use of traditional databases can not meet the needs of the system efficiency,at present,large and medium-sized banks have begun to focus on the transformation of the database path.The path of database transformation plays an important role in the future banking business model.In order to meet the needs of market development,it is necessary to complete the construction of the new generation trading platform of the internship company,and to further improve the infrastructure and form a stable and reliable new generation transaction data processing framework.Transaction data processing framework is a core component of the new generation trading system,is a real-time data processing,publishing subscription service development framework.The main content of this research is the design and implementation of the bank transaction data distribution and subscription system.The background of the syste m is mainly through TDPS(Trade DataProcess Service transaction data processing framework)to achieve.It receives the transaction metadata from the matching service group,passes the data receiving,data filtering,and calls the different business components according to the different business components to deal with,and then the data back to the customer,the data processing logic through the plug-in way Expansion,the client main groups for financial institutions,clearing houses and so on.The system uses the Pub / Sub communication mode to interact wit h the front and back of the system while using the database transformation technology,so that the client interacts with the memory database to avoid direct access to the physical Database,to improve the speed of the front desk query and meet the high concurrent,high stability,high reliability,high security requirements,and on this basis for the currency trading system to provide more efficient back-office services.
Keywords/Search Tags:real-tine trading, database transformation, transaction data processing framework, real-time data processing, publish subscription mode
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