With the come of 21st century, all kinds of modern applications require more functions and higher performance of database. But the traditional database systems are designed for business affair applications. Modern applications (non-traditional) such as process controlling and real-time data processing need the support of new model database system and hard real-time requirements in database performance. The traditional in-disk database system can do nothing about it.At the same time, with the increasing productivity, the price of memory storage nowadays is only 1 percent of the price of the same size in 20 years ago. For the reasons above, developers have probed into the research of main-memory database (MMDB) since 1980s. Compared with outer-storage devices (such as disk), memory storage has much higher access speed. So if the "main copy" of database is in memory the performance of the database system could improve greatly.This thesis firstly analysis the MMDB status in quo, technology background and research fields. Then introduce the infrastructure of MMDB system based on two-phase commit protocol, which is as the support structure of a real-time data processing application. And the author also analyzes the storage structure and data partitioning strategy. In order to satisfy the real-time application requirements and the character of MMDB storage, the transactions commit protocol, transaction processing model and its data structure and algorithms are offered in the MMDB system. In the last part, the non-MMDB modules of the real-time application are also illustrated. |