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The Study Of Cambodia "The Commercial News" New Media's Transformation

Posted on:2018-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L JiangFull Text:PDF
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In 1993,Cambodia "The Commercial News" founded,so far,it is a Chinese newspaper that have the longest history,in the local Chinese society have a greater influence.With the arrival of the new media era,"The Commercial News" suffered such as readers to reduce,the number of advertising revenue and the number of difficult to upgrade,the shackles of newspaper operations and so on.In order to get out of the bottleneck of development,"The Commercial News" for many attempts and efforts,of which,to the new media transformation is the attempt and efforts to make the most important aspect.Therefore,"The Commercial News" has opened a WeChat public number,a mobile phone APP and so on,while maintaining the contents of the newspaper published in the normal content,while efforts to maintain the normal operation of new media.At present,the newspaper WeChat public number,mobile phone APP and other new media business development began to "the Belt and Road" strategic development opportunities,to broaden the audience,and actively cooperate with China's domestic media and news institutions,the introduction of talents,The trend is steady."The Commercial News" to get out of the development dilemma,in the new media transformation on the attempt and breakthrough,the transformation of other overseas Chinese media have reference and reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cambodia "The Commercial News", New media, transformation
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