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The Design And Implementation Of College Students' Computer Competition Platform

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512971329Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to integrate and unify the management of scattered contest information of various schools,many organizations have published college contest platform.However,most of these platforms only share features like information announcement,registration and simple voting.With the lack of interactive and persuasive features,such platforms cannot fully present the information of contests.What's more,most of the platform does not provide reasonable assessment system for the works.In addition,some platforms simply use static technology,which result in the incapabilities of updating and management.Taking account of the existing problems of the competition platforms,we intend to develop a suitable competition system for college students,which support multi-process,multi-user supervene and B/S architecture.The system uses Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 as underlying architecture and C#as development language for design and realization.The system successfully complete basic features such as online registration,works submit,online trial,user approval,works approval and etc.Platform uses AD for authentication.All of these features together build up a highly interactive and well-equipped platform to fulfill the requirement of the teachers and students involved in contests.The platform can not only help organizations more efficiently organize contests,but also help students more comprehensively and timely access contests-related information.Sufficient features of the platform can also help the organizers accelerated the process and shorten the period of the contest,thus reducing labor costs.This article minutely analyzes the requirement of the platform.On the basis of the operational,technical and economic feasibility analysis,the article provides detailed functional requirements of the system.On this basis,the target functions of the system are easily settled down and the system is divided into a plurality of sub-modules,each divided into sub-functions modules.Ultimately,stitching the sub-modules that are will realized together will form a complete system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contest Platform, SharePoint, ASP.Net, AD
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