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The Design And Implementation Of Risk Management Software System For In-use Oil And Gas Pipelines

Posted on:2016-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330485955099Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of operational risk management information system of in-use oil and gas pipeline, by making of full use of the GIS spatial information resources of pipeline in the geographic information system, the pipeline operation data operation management, which has been established in pipeline running unit, combined with the information construction results, and actual status of the production management of oil and gas pipeline network situation. And learn from the advanced management technologies in the international and domestic oil and gas pipeline network. Through integrated with the detection and evaluation of pipeline corrosion technologies,database tools, pressure pipeline safety detection and preliminary research results of soil corrosion investigation, research and develop operation risk early stage warning and risk control technology of oil and gas pipeline network, construct a relatively complete, suitable for risk assessment can be implemented in the production management status, and the preparation of the management practice for the actual production.The design and development of In-use oil and gas pipeline risk management software system, the application of the principle of software engineering technology,and complete the system demand analysis, the outline design, detailed design, coding,software testing, application testing stage, the developed software system in data collection, data maintenance, database management, analysis, processing technology evaluation function fully meet the design requirements.In software development, application of the Rational Unified Process(RUP), has gone through the initial, refinement, structure and transition phase. Software development method is used in a general modularity, abstraction and stepwise refinement.In the paper work, due to the time limit and too large scale of the developing system and other reasons, I was only responsible for the design and planting of software structure, database structure, application functions, and coding work of parts module of GIS operation, generating Corrosion Charts, generating and export the pipeline risk report in Word format. The other coding work of the application of the database related, had been done by the relevant technical staff to Tianjin GENIUS Technology Engineering Corporation.
Keywords/Search Tags:oil and gas pipeline, risk management, software development
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