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Exploration Of A Modal Of Digital Resources Constructing

Posted on:2016-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YaoFull Text:PDF
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With the development of digital techonology and Internet, the virtual world is already sui generis, and formed the digital world which closely connects with real world but quite different with it. Some competition of politics,economiy,culture in the real world also spreading in the digital world, digital information resources is the core of the competition, digital technology developed countries far ahead of other countries in ownership,utilization,transmitted speed and scope of digital information resources,leading to those digital technology developed cournties in a dominant position in the digital world competition. China as a developing cournty, digital technology started late, although in recent years it developing rapidly, there is still a gap with the developed countries, causing China at a disadvantage in politics, economy and culture in the digital world. Based on the requirement of politicis, economy and culture, so it is urgent to construct digital resources.Firstly,do a journals reviewed about the research of digital resources at home and abroad, found it is lack that research on the construction of digital resources,next step is to comparative analysis political, economic and cultural environment at home and abroad,indicates the urgency of digital resources construction in China,then dissects the digital resources by Prototype Structure of Scientific Being(PSSB),and builds a digital resources coustructiong PSSB, prepares to form a fl ow chart of digital resources construction,next discusses the reason that constructed digital resource via digital content, dissects the digital content by PSSB, builds a digital content coustructiong PSSB and a flow chart of digital content construction,on the basis,bulid a modal of digital conent construction,finally,based on modal of digital conent construction, flow chart of digital resources construction and digital resources coustructiong PSSB,builds a modal of digital resoureces construction.The modal of this paper proposed supported by PSSB, based on the flow chart of digital resources constructing, taking the digital content constructiong as the path. In the model, organization is the starting point of digital resources construsting, the organizer launched a digital resources building for a certain purpose, with the organizational behavior,digital resources constructing can be officially started; Investigation and support both are the second part, investigation is to make the digital resources constructing can meet the needs of the audience, support is organizer in order to make digital resources constructing can run smoothly ask other institutions for technology, financial help, execution is the core of digital resources constructing, execution is process and behavior of integrating digital content into digital resource, in this part digital resource formed; supply is a dynamic part that organizer will provide thedigital resources to the audience; use is the behavior of the audience, this part will generate the effect of digital resources constructing; feedback is the response of the audience to the use of digital resources; protection involves much part such implementation, and provide, mainly to the protection of the copyright of digital resources, in order to maintain the use value of digital resources; research is the scientific study to each pert of digital resources constructing, forming the academic support of digital resources constructing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prototype Structure of Scientific Being, Digital Content, Digital Resources, a modal of digital resources constructing
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