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Junior Middle School Chinese Thematic Teaching Explore

Posted on:2018-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The new curriculum standard in the new period different requirements of the different course of study,for the junior middle school Chinese teaching,the change of the curriculum standard,requires that in the Chinese teaching should be the largest extent,improve the comprehensive quality of students learning project,is under the new curriculum standard of a type of learning method.Monographic study is to determine a project as the object of study,learning object depth of mining,make project improve on the depth of the Chinese teaching.Monographic study and implement the "based on students' development,change the way students learn" Chinese teaching thought.This way of language learning through the subject,through the inside and outside the class,can make students under the guidance of teachers,to be independent of the inquiry-based learning,guide them in learning,have their own found in found to improve learning ability.Project learning has certain coherence,open and exploratory,a project is a focal point."Special" coherence is based on the intrinsic logic relation of things,logical classification on the basis of.General language learning is a class of passive acceptance,project research-oriented learning form is varied,the student in determining the oneself after the small special can make an investigation on to the society,can the library data access,access to the Internet,watching all kinds of audio and video data,discuss problems with teachers,classmates and so on,to expand the students' learning space.Now we advocate in junior middle school language teaching project approach to learning,project-based learning for students to explore and the cultivation of innovation ability has a vital role.In recent years in the Chinese subject teaching in China has made certain achievements.Mainly displays in,the teacher in the project-based learning,help students to further deepen the understanding of the project for a special learning,let the students from emotional thinking to rational thinking,the single thinking ability to ascend,extremely effectively promoted the comprehensive thinking ability of students,make students form the habit of independent thinking,problem solving,the key is in the actual learning,students learn from the thematic learning the lines,the students master the knowledge and learning method is applied to the learning of new knowledge,raise the efficiency of the studentsto learn the language knowledge.However,in junior middle school Chinese project-based learning implementation process,due to the teacher's own factors,for example in the project selection of Chinese language deviation and not accurate,such as my students to learn the difference between these factors have restricted the Chinese subject widely.From the current new curriculum standard request,project learning is a kind of new curriculum teaching,with a new teaching concept,new teaching methods,for the personality development of students to provide a good environment of space.This article through to the junior middle school under the new course standard of Chinese project learning to explore,to Chinese value significance of monographic study done in-depth research,theoretical basis,principles,methods,and combined with the junior middle school language cases related to the project practice,put forward the thinking of related to the thesis,and put forward the feasibility strong recommendations,hope I can for the current junior middle school Chinese teaching way under the new standard of innovation to provide certain reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior Chinese, special, project Thematic learni
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