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A Contrastive Study Of Stoicism And Zhang Zai's Philosophy Of Life

Posted on:2018-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LiFull Text:PDF
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Zhang zai,respectively,and Stoicism is an important representative of western philosophy and history of Chinese philosophy.Their philosophy,especially for the guidance of the philosophy of life is classic,impact on future generations is also very profound.Zhang thought by the author,with Stoicism learning and research,found that both the philosophy of life there are many similarities,the general can help us deepen the comparison of Chinese and western philosophy theory and knowledge,can also help us from a larger perspective of the whole western civilization to grasp and understanding of human ideal life blueprint with moral.This paper was studied from the social background and theoretical background for Stoicism and Zhang zai's thought,research and contrast from the two aspects.In history,more than Stoicism is divided into early medium night threes be period,mainly in ancient Greek and Roman times,are fighting more frequent period.Zhang Zai's life in the early northern Song Dynasty,also is the northern Song Dynasty in the domestic strife and foreign agression.Their philosophy of life is built on the basis of their respective cosmology.Stoicism adhere to the concept of universal determinism,they accept Heraclitus' the source of "fire" said,that the universe is based on the operation of the development of "god" or "rational" arrangement.Zhang Zai put forward the cosmology of Qi-monism,think that the universe is generated from the "the great void".Secondly,philosophy of life,Stoicism must exist as a kind of "rational",believe that man is different from other species.He accepted the "rational" given by the"god",these are arrangements for the "god",is according to the request of natural law.It requires people to lead a life of "virtue","virtue" are more than everything in the life to be worth to cherish by Stoicism,and this kind of "virtue" of life is also a kind of natural life.Zhang zai's philosophy of life is established based on his Qi-monism,he thinks that everything is generated by the "air",human nature is based on the "air".He distinguish from "the nature of heaven and earth" and "the nature of temperament" to explain the problem between good and evil,urging people to "open the heart" and "probe the principle" and other methods to strengthen their knowledge of virtue,realize the revival of "heaven and earth",from "natural law" to the transformation of the "Laws of human".Moreover,Stoicism of thought contained attitudes in the "equality" and"accord with natural",Zhang contained in the context of the "Ximing" is explicitly put forward the thoughts with "love between nature and man" and "optimistic attitude towards life and death".Both the two guys put forward under the whole heaven,especially between man and man is a kind of equal and harmonious social relations,the greatest thoughts of all is a great contribution to human civilization,has a very far-reaching influence on later generations also.They are getting a proposition that under the turbulent social environment,people should maintain a placid mind to conform to the times,and pursue a harmonious self-sufficient life attitude.Through research,we found that,Stoicism and zhang zai's view of life also exists some limitations and drawbacks,but they can not cover up their great philosophy of life to give human the valuable wealth,whether from the aspect of the development of the society or from the level of philosophical theory research,both gave us the positive profound influence.The author of the Stoics and Zhang Zai's philosophy background and the two theoretical basis of the philosophy of life,reviewing their life philosophy theory,grasp the two life philosophy purport,refine their share of positive philosophy of life,are these positive thinking limitations and practical significance analysis.This paper is the immature academic achievements,the western two representative schools of philosophy,philosophers ethics study,positive content compared to two in the aspect of life philosophy,trying to build for our western ethics theory,it attempts to provide a theoretical support for the development of the society harmonious and stable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stoicism, Zhang Zai, Philosophy of life, Virtue
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