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Heart Is Synced With The Scenery

Posted on:2016-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The studies of senses experience has caused more attention in urban public space design and related design recent years. Designers also gradually realized that it would be successful to reach the audience perception experience by only using visual design,instead of that the purpose of effectively to good environmental design include all sorts of senses such as hearing, smell, touch, etc. to meet the demands of the human sensory stimulation through enhancing the relationship of people and the environment, so as to truly achieve people-oriented design.The thesis take Sheng Guan Du Central Town Park as an case study. First of all, it studied theories about “five senses design” such as gestalt psychology, design psychology,color psychology, etc. through the literature research systematically. Secondary, it tried to understand the related research status both in china and on abroad, which shown that the studies on abroad concentrated on designed and also based on improved sensory experience and stimulate the senses park in practice, but the domestic studies was focused on the stages of theoretical exploration. According to the field investigation data which collected form surrounding residents showing their demands, including the function demand, traffic demand, sensory experience demand analysis, general design requirements, and cultural needs,all of them help to understand the base case status of the site. Finally, the article summed up the methods and summarized the main design elements of sensory experience park and its applications in practice, such as reasonable arrangement of the functional partition, site conditions according to the requirements of the public, the characteristics of sensory experience design in landscape nodes, public culture and aesthetic appeal design landscape features, etc. It would be create a successful urban public space with "Heart is synced with the scenery" from the view ofsensory experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban public space, urban park, senses experience, universal design
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