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Research On The Reengineering Of Liuting Airport Customs Clearance Process Based On Value Chain

Posted on:2016-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330473456416Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of today’s world, China has entered a critical period of building a moderately prosperous society and deepen the reform of the overall, economic and social sector is facing a profound transformation of economic development mode transformation. To this end, Customs must adapt to macro-economic globalization, close to the objective needs of the development of China’s export-oriented economy to actively adjust, and implement business process reengineering based reforms.Liuting Airport Customs in Shandong Province as the largest airport in the field of customs, clearance business volume in recent rears increased sisnificantly. and is in a critical period of deepening reform and improve work efficiency. The essay uses the value chain theory to analyze clearance operations, uses business process reengineering theory to discussion clearance process optimization and improvements, and attempts to find ways to improve the efficiency of air cargo clearance pathways. Firstly, with the introduction of introduces the theory of business process reengineering and value chain, the essay introduces the concept and the relationship of both, focusing on the principles, process, methods and technical tools of business process reengineering, and briefly describes the customs clearance operations; secondly, the essay analyzes the value chain of airport customs clearance process, briefly describes the business development of Liuting airport customs, mainly analyzes the resource motivation, job motivation and business process of clearance process, finds and summarizes problems affecting the improvement of the efficiency of customs clearance with the value-added discrimination of all sectors of activity and relationships:thirdly, with the actual situation of Liuting airport customs, the essay proposes clearance business process reengineering goals, ideas, design principles and specific implementation steps, evaluates the expected results by comparing the customs clearance efficiency before and after process reengineering. to prove business process reengineering to achieve the improvement of the efficiency of customs clearance; finally, the essay puts forward constructive safeguard ideas in terms of management, organizational structure. IT applications and publicity.The essay aims to study the clearance process reengineering of Muting airport customs, partly to make up for the airport customs explore BPR lack of theoretical research, while promoting further enhance the efficiency of customs clearance to optimize customs environment and effectively enhance the quality of customs services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customs, Liuting Airport, Clearance, Value Chain, Business Process Reengineering(BPR)
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