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Strategic Financial Analysis About Shenhuagroup

Posted on:2015-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467963876Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today the world has entered the era of strategy". Enterprises want to survive and develop must stand on the strategic perspective on business every step of the way in the fierce competition, the key factors are making clear development strategy in the evaluation of enterprise development. This article from the enterprise management’s point of view, with the strategic analysis as a starting point, using the basic theory of financial analysis, to expand the financial perspective, combined with the financial benchmarking and the intrinsic value of the enterprise evaluation, proposes a strategy for the height of the financial analysis framework.For the research on the selection of the Shenhua Group coal industry listing Corporation as a case, because the Shenhua Group coal output as the first "coal boss", in less than20years the successful construction of "Shenhua mode", open the China coal industry precedent, has been growing as the world’s largest coal dealer. As early as in the formation of the early, when many of our coal mine enterprises are still struggling in the traditional single coal mining, Shenhua is unwilling to the status quo, and gradually established a development strategy of lofty, namely go mine, electricity, road, port, shipping, the integration of the road. This business model has brought great synergies for Shenhua Shenhua:using their own shipping system to transport, break through the bottleneck of China’s coal industry in transportation, and use the power generation business exploration of coal joint venture, opened a stable coal market, at the same time, God Chinese efforts to extend the industrial chain, to carry out coal oil and coal chemical project, improve the added value of products. These measures greatly reduces the Shenhua’s operating costs, to obtain more profits from the entire supply chain. Therefore, to study the experience of its success, has essential value for other companies in the same industry and large coal and energy enterprises.The main content of this paper is divided into two parts, the first part is the theory part, construct a framework for including the theory and case analysis in the first chapter and the second chapter, this part is mainly some background description and summary of the theory, and attempts to put forward the analysis framework, laying the groundwork for the case analysis and study of the second most. Most of the second is the case analysis part, including chapter third strategic financial analysis in the framework of the use of Shenhua Group, mainly from five aspects of enterprise managers need to focus on starting, namely, strength analysis, efficiency analysis, quality analysis, risk analysis, growth analysis, each aspects of the financial and operating two clues, to comprehensive financial analysis according to the financial data of the past five years, and on the basis of comparing with financial benchmarking companies, further perspective enterprise panorama; analysis of the investment value analysis and development prospects of the fourth chapter, industry analysis, strategic analysis and financial analysis is the evaluation of past and present situation of the company, this chapter uses the dividend discount model and multiplier valuation method two kinds of methods of Shenhua Group listing Corporation stock valuation, in order to predict the future business development, the company estimates the value, is also the manager provides the formulation and evaluation of an essential basis for the strategic need; the last is the conclusion and suggestions of the fifth chapter, on the above analysis and evaluation summary. Most of these two relations, the former is the theoretical basis and foundation of the latter, and the latter is the concrete application of the coal industry listing Corporation.
Keywords/Search Tags:company strategic, shenhuagroup, strategic-financial analysis, evaluation
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