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Reform And Research On The Salary System Of Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Posted on:2016-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461469086Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee took state-owned enterprise reform as the emphasis of economic reform, among which the key of state-owned enterprise reform is to establish a market-oriented internal operation mechanism, while salary reform is the top priority to activate the operation mechanism of state-owned enterprises. At present, the basic salary system of most state-owned enterprises in the equipment manufacturing industry in Beijing is still the job-and-skill-related wage system established in the 1990s according to the state’s requirement to abolish the grade wage system, which is a wage system based on basic labor factor evaluation such as labor skills, labor responsibilities, labor intensity, labor condition etc. and with post salary and labor skills as the main content. What’s worse, some state-owned equipment manufacturing enterprises still keep the grade wage system. Such kind of salary incentive mechanism not only severely hinders employees’working enthusiasm but also seriously restricts the reform and development of the salary mechanism of state-owned enterprises in Beijing. Therefore, it is a task of top priority to explore salary modes suitable for the need of reform and development of state-owned equipment manufacturing enterprises in Beijing. As a limited liability company jointly owned by Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation Limited and Beijing Enterprises Group Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co., Ltd. has begun to provide maintenance and repair services since 1987 and started building rolling stock equipments since 1989. It is currently the only enterprise in Beijing that has the qualification to repair and build urban rail transit vehicles, but it also has undeniable deficiencies and faces huge challenges at the same time. Salary system is an important strategic development element and motivator for an enterprise, and under this background, it is of great significance and realistic function to reform and research the salary system of state-owned enterprises.The study mainly includes the following four aspects:The first part briefly explains the current situation of the salary system of this state-owned equipment manufacturing enterprise and salary solution design and application suitable for this enterprise. In this part, the research framework, method, significance and innovation points of this paper are also briefly systemized.In the second part, the paper summarizes and concludes concepts such as human resource, salary management system, performance management etc. and repositions the improvement of the salary system of state-owned equipment manufacturing enterprises; explores key points of salary solution design, analyzes the new needs of Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co., Ltd. towards salary solution so as to provide theoretical and logic basis for the enterprise to optimize and establish new salary solutions.The third part introduces basic information about Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co., Ltd., the development strategies and human resource strategies of this enterprise during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period and the current situation of its current salary system. Then on this basis, the paper studies and designs how to work out a salary solution suitable for Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co., Ltd., including changing employees’ old and backward concepts about salary, design philosophy of the "Six Principles", specific measures to promote the salary solution etc.The fourth part summarizes and reviews main content of the paper and further proposes research direction for the next step.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing Subway Rolling Stock Equipment Co.,Ltd., salary system, salary reform
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