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Tourism City Experience Quality Research

Posted on:2014-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D N ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422457109Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the tourism industry has become a pillar industry in manyareas of the country, and the arrival of experience economy with the rise of culturaltourism, which are making great impact on tourism consumer behavior. Because ofthese changes now the tourism industry provides an opportunity to break through thetraditional mode of development. This paper is based on tourism experience view andtake Xi ’an as an example to explore the city tourist experience quality.The first chapter aimed to introduce what is experience quality, how to measuretourists’ experience and why we study tourism experience.The second chapter is literature review. The paper did the literature review fromboth domestic and abroad which is related to the concept of tourist experience. Thischapter aimed to understand the specific meaning of what is city tourism, what istourist’s quality of experience and what is recent research method to measure quality.The third chapter mainly introduces how this paper is designed empiricalresearch. Firstly introducing the overall frame and train of thought; secondlyclarifying the main research method of this paper adopted; and finally establish citytourism experience quality index system.The forth chapter shows the process of data analysis. This paper uses SPSS10.0as a statistical tool. It involves descriptive statistic analysis, reliability analysis,validity analysis, correlation analysis and finally using satisfaction metrics toolcalculates the tourists overall experience quality of Xi ’an.The fifth chapter carries on the comprehensive analysis of this paper. Itsummarizes the Xi’an tourism city present developing stage and its shortage. At theend of this article makes some new way for Xi’an future tourism development.Finally we found that:(1) Tourists in Xi’an expect to gain esthetic and refreshed experience more than other feeling;(2) There’s a discrepancy between touristsexpectation and satisfaction;(3) The establish of self-service travel system andinterpretation system is the new orientation for Xi’an to enhance tourism industry.After the analysis above, we give some suggestion on how to market in the experienceview.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism experience, City service system, Xi’an
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