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The Report Of The Documentary, Xiaobai’s Dreamworks

Posted on:2017-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330485996268Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of network media represented by We Media and portal websites with homemade programs emerging in large quantities, the diversity and autonomy of the audience’s choice have come to a crescendo, at the same time, audiences demand higher on the programs in terms of the specialization and depth of the content, therefore, the transmission mode is changed from the previous passive and broad mass communication to demassification. In a word, new media programs who follow the conventional audience positioning of massification are more imcompatible with the current media environment. This work was made from perspectives of minority and demassification and broadcasted through the network media platform. This work specialized in interviews about some central figures in order to keep the audience positioning in a small and accurate range, and integrated film and television industry knowledge and entertainment factors in order to let “television enthusiasts” understand the status quo of television industry, the work state of the television people and the sophisticated expertise knowledge of this industry, and make them relax and experience the fun in listening these talks.
Keywords/Search Tags:interviews, film and television, Content producers, network programs
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