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Research On The Building Of Incentive Mechanism Of Human Resource In University Libraries

Posted on:2017-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330485961544Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the new changes in information technology, the era of big data brings and the development of knowledge-based economy, China’s librarianship universities have entered a period of rapid development. During this period, university library human resources have become the key to development of the library. Only library human resources effective development and management, librarians initiative, enthusiasm fully mobilize and play, university library’s operations in order to better carry out, University Library can develop healthily.Initiative to mobilize people’s enthusiasm for the subject of incentives is an important means of human resources for effective development. For this reason, we use the Construction Status and Human Resource Incentive theoretical knowledge, combined with the current University Library of incentives to the existing incentive system as the focus, through the incentive system appeared during execution problems and in-depth induction analysis, and ultimately propose how to further improve the construction of University Library human resource incentive mechanism.In this paper, the Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics Library as a case is analyzed, integrated use of the literature survey, induction, statistical analysis and theoretical and practical method of combining divided into chapters for Construction of College Library Human Resource incentives were research.The first chapter describes the motivation theory of knowledge, to explain the meaning of College Library Human Resources incentives, stressing the need for incentives in the construction and the principles of construction should adhere to.The second chapter is the key part of the article. Through the investigation and combined circumstances of the case, summarized the status of domestic incentives University Library Building, found that the main problem is the presence of the incentive system and in-depth analysis of the existing incentive system that the cause of insufficient incentives include:(1) Human resource structure is unreasonable, (2) the concept of excitation is lagging behind, (3) the lack of a fair competitive environment, (4) management system plagued by problems, (5) lack of communication during excitation, (6) lack of incentives democratic supervision links.Chapter III of the construction to further improve the human resource incentives University Library explored. I think we should improve from the following four aspects:(1) establish the right incentives ideological concept, (2) prepare pre-established incentives, (3) establish a scientific and effective incentive measures, including:Meet the needs of librarians and improve incentives to establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system, pay system, a scientific and effective title appraisal system and improve the training system. (4) the implementation of a feedback mechanism for the implementation of the work incentives.
Keywords/Search Tags:university library, human resource, incentive mechanism
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