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The Design And Implementation Of Key Mechanism Of Hua Fu Securities Trading System

Posted on:2016-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482979989Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A security trading system was the role of supporting and safeguard for the business of Securities Company, the important of it was not substituted. With the development of information technology, many information systems are built in many businesses. More and more operations are dealt through information systems. That makes our work and life convenient. However, there are also many troubles. The complication of information systems, the threats to the systems and users’ unconcern lead to many security accidents in information systems, and cause great loss and impacts to the organizations. And now, the managers, the users of the information systems are paying more attention to the information security.Timeliness and convenience were the significant characters of Internet securities trading system, thus not only the cost of entity transactions was reduced, but the transaction resources were integrated. There was reason to believe that Internet securities trading system was the trend of securities transactions.However, it must be clearly recognized that security risks of online securities tradition were obviously on the Internet based on their own transmission characteristics. The whole process of online securities tradition was involved with information encrypted and decryption, and the accounts safety was also important. The Internet security level was low and vulnerability exists cannot be ignored in China. Furthermore, the various securities trading firms trading platform terminals were not same, the rapid response measures deal with potential risks were lacked. Therefore, the urgent problem was to enhance the security and privacy of online securities tradition.The research and implement of risk evaluations have been done for years. There are many efforts on evaluation procedure, evaluation method and tools. But the systematical, theoretical or practical achievements are few, there are still many fields need to study. The paper begins from the procedures of risk evaluation, and discusses some key problems of risk evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:securities trading, HuaFu Securities, risk, assess
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