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Analysis And Design Of Students’ Work Management System Of Private University

Posted on:2017-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XuFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up, private higher education to take off again, and the continuous development of advance, especially after the "Private Education Promotion Law" started to implement, independently operated schools of higher education have a leap of progress, it has become an indispensable part of Chinese education. At present, China more than a thousand of the private universities, it is worth mentioning that there are a lot of private higher education schools large scale, good quality, such as Beijing City College and other colleges and universities such model is conducive to China’s higher education to better face the current Mass. However, with the deepening of the reform of institutions of higher learning and the continuous expansion of enrollment, students’ management of private colleges and universities also made a greater challenge. This requires us to change our thinking and find new ways to manage the work of university students, and gradually improve the management of private college students scientific and modern.Facing education in colleges and universities to keep up with the scale of development investment growth conditions, student management work is no longer simply to achieve the students in class attendance, performance management, simple operation, colleges and universities in urgent need of a comprehensive, multi-purpose student management system, which not only meet the students at the school academic information and other inquiries, leaving the student managers timely and easily grasp the students various types of data, to enable students to work more standardized management, greatly improving efficiency.In this paper, Chinese businessmen College, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, combined with the actual school situation and analyze its main business, through a multi-level student tailored work management system, so that the working pressure of the relevant aspects of school staff be reduced, but also to meet the school management It needs. The main research the following:First, the survey of college students work management system at home and abroad current situation; second, clear C/S and B/S structure of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of their own characteristics, select the design management system; and third, design When the software, detailed breakdown of each business requirements and functional design. Fourth, we will UML model as the basis, combined with SQLServer2008 database platform, complete the design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students work, Management system, Analysis, Design
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