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Design And Implementation Of Intelligent Control System Based On Power Supply Of Communication Room

Posted on:2016-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482479972Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Communication network is an important foundational facilities in today’s soc ial development. Fully effective power supply is timely for the communication o pen provides a basic guarantee, the stability of power system will directly affect the stability and safety of information system.In this paper the design is based on the branch of China tietong making po licy on network optimization for the general policy, optimize network mode, the use of the telecom DCN network in real time from the monitoring center of syn fuels fiasco room environment temperature, humidity, voltage, current, and air co nditioning remote monitoring, control and information acquisition. For example, t he air conditioning switch maneuver. With the aid of the network system of dyn amic monitoring to determine air conditioning condition, once appear, fault dama ge and theft, will automatically send the related information to maintenance pers onnel, and form to send a single supervise maintenance staff on-site handling of a problem. Under the system, access network room without stationed round-theclock monitoring of equipment maintenance personnel, no longer require human uninterrupted supervision, maintenance and switch machine, such as repeated oper ation, greatly reduce the work intensity of the maintenance staff, so as to effecti vely promote the sector agencies to streamline and improve the efficiency of res ource utilization and efficiency.This paper focuses on the hardware solution and software development and design of the intelligent remote control system. The hardware part of the main members of the team according to China Railway Shizuishan branch of the desig n of the total program to complete the monitoring equipment installation and deb ugging software part of the power system according to the main functions of the sub block design, and then integrated, and ultimately the hardware system data in the software analysis and processing, through data analysis found fault can se nd reminder information to the administrator. RS232/RS485 and TCP/IP protocol conversion in the actual production environment of the company room. The dyna mic real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, equipment, energy consumptio n and other factors, the system of intelligent remote management of computer ro om communication equipment is improved, and the maintenance cost is reduced.After the development of the system, the function of the system’s intelligent cont rol and the function of anti theft alarm system are tested and the performance of the system is tested. The results show that the system has basically achieved th e expected goal, and the feasibility and effectiveness of this scheme is strongly s upported.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communication power system, remote monitoring, energy saving, TCP/IP protocol
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