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Research On The Motion States Of The Abrasive Particles In The Cutting Process Of Semi-Fixed Wire Saw

Posted on:2012-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482468167Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Slicing is the key process of the silicon wafer cutting process, the efficiency and quality directly influence the subsequent processing. Currently, wire saw is the dominant cutting method. According to the combination between the abrasive particles and the wire saw, it can be divided into free abrasive wire saw and fixed abrasive wire saw. The price of the free abrasive wire saw is low, but its efficiency is also low. Although the efficiency of fixed abrasive wire saw increase, it has not been widely used because of its high price.Domestic and foreign scholars have reached an agreement on the cutting mechanismof the free abrasive wire saw. According to the motion of state, they divided the abrasives into two categories:one is directly contract the wire saw and the workpiece, known as "semi-contact state", and the other is neither, called "non-contact state". Research concluded that "semi-contract" abrasive particles remove the workpiece by indenting with the wire saw, while "non-contract" particles by rolling, so "semi-contract"abrasive particles play a major role in the efficiency of removal. In order to combine the advantages, groove on the surface of wire saw, so more particles will be "semi-contact state" in the cutting zone, it’s an effective way to increase the efficiency of wire saw.The main contents include:(1) Based on the analysis of the cutting mechanism and comparison between the free abrasive particles wire saw and fixed abrasive particles wire saw, this paper propose the new cutting method-semi-fixe wire saw.(2) Build a test platform on the original diamond wire saw cutting machine, so as to observe the motion state of the abrasive particles in the cutting zone during the cutting process. This paper record the motion state of abrasive particles in the cutting process in terms of different parameters and different wire saw.(3) Through statistical study of the motion state of abrasive particles, outlines typical motion states of different wire saw in the cutting process, and analyze several fectors, such as different types of wire saw, capsules diameter and cutting zone, impact on the distribution of abrasive particle size, the probability of "semi-contract" state and velocity of abrasive(4) Based on the comparison of different motion state, preliminary analyze the cutting mechanism of semi-fixed wire saw.
Keywords/Search Tags:wire saw, semi-fixed, motion state, high-speed video
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