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Desingn And Implementation On System Management Of High-reliability Embedded System

Posted on:2016-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473956178Subject:Computer systems and structure
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the battlefield environment is becoming more and more complex, which brings more stringent requirements on the performance of missiles. However, most of the missile control systems still use the union electronic system architecture, which integrated by hardware and software, it’s far behind the modular integrated system and it can’t meet the requirements of modern warfare environment. The weakness of the missile control system’s software architecture brings lots of difficulties and challenges for software designer and developer. Under the more and more complex system application environment, how to ensure the reliability and safety of the system, how to improve the portability and reusability of software, how to guarantee the expansibility and updateable of software and how to reduce the development difficulties and maintenance costs, have become more and more urgent and need to be resolved as soon as possible.For the above reasons, the thesis analyzed the software architecture of integrated module avionics system, and absorbed the experience of the system design and developing. Then, the specification of open software architecture and the theory of the high-reliability embedded software systems are studied. Finally, the thesis proposed a high-reliability embedded software architecture which can be used to design the missile control software. At last, the thesis designed and implemented the system management software according to the architecture.The main works of the thesis includes:1. Analyzed the GOA’s open software architecture particular its hierarchy of software and interface classification technology. Summarized the ARINC653 specification’s highly reliable embedded software architecture, partition operating system technology, and its health monitoring theory. Referenced the ASAAC specification’s hierarchy software architecture, the technology of system management and the theory of blueprint of software system. Summarized their strengths and weaknesses by comparing the different specifications’ software architecture.2. Based on above theories and techniques, the thesis proposed a highly reliable and open embedded software architecture, and analyzed its reliability, configurability, scalability, and other requirements when the architecture be used to design the missile control system. In order to meet these requirements, the concept of system management was proposed in the thesis.3. The thesis designed a hierarchy architecture of system management, and divide it into four modules, including configuration management, health monitoring, failure management and application management. After that, it devised the peripheral interface of system management, including SMBP interface, GLI interface, SMOS interface, and so on. Detailed study on the whole operation of the system management and the specific implementation of internal modules. According to the concept of dividing the instrument and data, the thesis put forward blueprint technique to produce the configuration data. At last, it elaborate the design, generation, loading, access procedure of blueprint, design and implement its standard management interface named SMBP.4. Based on deCoreOS and Nuvoton’s NUC951 development board, we validate and test the function of system management.
Keywords/Search Tags:embedded system, high-reliability, system management, health monitoring, blueprint
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